Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing (ND)



First Committee Member

Patricia Gatlin

Second Committee Member

Mary Bondmass

Third Committee Member

Georgiann Davis

Number of Pages



Nursing leadership shoulders the responsibility for the performance of their nurses (McNeeseSmith, 1992). When a nurse leader creates a culture of structural empowerment, the work environment is more likely to produce higher quality patient outcomes and highly satisfied healthcare consumers. Novice nurse leaders are often ill-equipped early in their careers to forge a structural empowerment culture. Unfortunately, education programs to address the developmental needs related to structural empowerment do not seem to exist. Incorporating the theoretical underpinnings from Kanter theory (1977, 1993) and the Donabedian model (1966) to create an educational tool for the novice nurse leader in learning how to develop and sustain a structural empowerment culture was the goal for this project.

The project introduced a new, integrated approach to the development of sustainability of a structural empowerment study. This integrated model depicts the sustainability of Donabedian’s model (1966) of structure, process, and outcome providing the core framework for the implementation of Kanter’s theory (1977, 1983), which comprises opportunity, information, resources, empowerment, and support. The reticulation of Donabedian’s model with Kanter’s theory fused the foundation for the development of a structural empowerment culture.

The evidenced-based education module design introduced the novice nurse leader to how to operationalize a theory. The novice nurse leader can use the advancement of knowledge about a structural empowerment culture to positively influence the unit level quality, patient experience, and nurse engagement outcomes. The project demonstrated that educational training provided to novice nurses does improve their understanding of the importance of a Structural Empowerment Culture.


Culture; Education; Novice Nurse Leadership; Nurse Leadership; Structural Empowerment Culture; Structure process outcome



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Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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