"Minimizing Visual Defects through Augmentation of Computer Aided Diamo" by Abhijith Prabhu

Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Mechanical Engineering

First Committee Member

Si Jung Kim

Second Committee Member

Zhiyong Wang

Third Committee Member

Hui Zhao

Fourth Committee Member

Mehmet Erdem

Number of Pages



Many computer aided design systems today utilize a workflow where physically accurate rendering of the product is not a functional component of its design process. This gap in workflow can lead to a sub optimal product or even a longer iterative design process in instances where a product's visual attributes and aesthetics are one their primary functional characteristic.

Diamonds are graded on their carat, color, clarity and cut, referred to as the 4Cs of a diamond; a standard set by G.I.A. and universally agreed upon. The cut of a diamond significantly affects the rest of the characteristics as it modifies the resultant interaction of light with the diamond and thus has a major impact on the determining its final quality. The subjective perception of a diamond’s quality to a customer due to its visuals is proving to be a value added proposition increasing the adoption of light performance of a diamond as a supplementary grading process along with the 4Cs.

In the rough planning process currently employed to produce a finished diamond, the visual quality of the diamond is only determined after it has been cut and polished or at most estimated as an approximated numerical or functional graphical preview. Utilizing real-time ray tracing to simulate physically accurate visualizations during the planning process with virtual reality delivering an immersive environment for the viewing the visualization, we simulate light interactions with the final diamond product to provide a realistic preview of the diamond in its polished state during the diamond rough planning process.

This system is intended to supplement existing rough planning processes, and the study conducted here demonstrates an implementation to bridge the gap between design and final visualizations, even in its nascent implementation in the workflow provides significant opportunities for better outcomes.


Visual defects; Augmentation; Computer aided; Diamond rough planning


Mechanical Engineering

File Format


File Size

3900 KB

Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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