Award Date

May 2023

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Engineering (MSE)


Civil and Environmental Engineering and Construction

First Committee Member

Moses Karakouzian

Second Committee Member

Pramen P. Shrestha

Third Committee Member

Mohamed Kaseko

Fourth Committee Member

Ashok Singh

Number of Pages



Current ASTM standards call for grouted masonry prisms to be tested for compressive strength at 28-days to ensure compliance with the structural design. In the event of failing tests, the subject samples may require redesign or reconstruction which can pose problems due to ongoing development around and including the prisms between the time of placement and obtaining test results. The purpose of this research is to determine if the use of ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) testing can be utilized to determine a correlation between prism composite strength of the masonry prism with ultrasound readings as to provide preliminary means of determining acceptability of the masonry prisms. This test utilized four (4) sample sets of thirty (30) prisms per set with grout mix designs having design strengths of 2000 PSI, 2500 PSI, 3000 PSI and 4000 PSI, respectively. Block, mortar, and masonry prisms were held constant and standard masonry testing practices (ASTM C1314, 2022) were followed closely when creating the specimens. UPV testing was conducted on the top and bottom courses of the prism samples at 3-days, 10-days and 28-days after grouting of prisms. Compressive strength testing of the prism samples was conducted after 28-days. Results indicated that there was little to no significant correlation between the prism sample age and UPV arrival times; nor the prism compressive strength and their respective UPV arrival times. In conclusion, UPV results demonstrate there is no meaningful implications to utilizing UPV when determining preliminary strength of masonry prisms alone. If further studied, the application could be recognized as an acceptable and nondestructive means of quality assurance when determining the presence of delamination or debonding between the set grout and CMU cavity space.


CMU Masonry; Delamination; NDT; Nondestructive Testing; Ultrasonice Pulse Velocity; UPV


Civil Engineering

File Format


File Size

5000 KB

Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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