Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Engineering (MSE)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Committee Member

R. Jacob Baker

Second Committee Member

Yahia Baghzouz

Third Committee Member

Biswajit Das

Fourth Committee Member

Xin Li

Number of Pages



This thesis details the design and results of a circuit intended for infrared laser applications, specifically for transcranial infrared light simulation (TILS) experiments and for use as a range finder. The circuit itself is comprised of a transistor, high voltage power supply, laser diode, capacitor, resistor, diode, and low voltage pulse. The design of a range finder is also developed. The range finder design is the same as the circuit developed for TILs with the addition of a few more components for receiving the returned light pulse such as a photodiode, op-amp, and comparator. The techniques used for a successful circuit design are described. For the TILS experiments the design must be able to output a very-high amplitude current pulse in a short amount of time, nanoseconds to picoseconds, to the laser diode. It is shown, and discussed, that the size of the capacitor, the value of the high voltage supply, and the switching characteristics of transistor used, determine the characteristics of the circuit’s output pulse. For the second design presented in this thesis, the range finder, the circuit operates by measuring the time difference, using an oscilloscope, between the output of the transmitter circuit and the output of the comparator. The comparator output is a square voltage pulse signifying a received laser pulse from the laser diode once the light reaches the photodiode. Once the time is measured it is used to calculate distance, where it is shown and discussed the range finder’s performance from distances of centimeters to meters.


Electroincs; High Voltage; Power Electronics


Electrical and Computer Engineering

File Format


File Size

2970 KB

Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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