Award Date

May 2024

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Engineering (MSE)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Committee Member

Robert Schill

Second Committee Member

Biswajit Das

Third Committee Member

Yahia Baghzouz

Fourth Committee Member

Jichun Li

Number of Pages



The Mission Support & Test Services (MSTS) reports that significant amounts of energy needed for generating high energy neutrons is lost within a Dense Plasma Focus between its pinch-end of the anode stalk and at its base near the insulating sleeve. It is their mission and the goal of this research effort to both experimentally and theoretically study current redirection in a DPF during and after pinch dynamics. It is hypothesized that current redirection, due to restrike, behind the dynamic sheath of a dense plasma focus will result in a measurable change in the magnetic field along the longitudinal axis of a DPF. It is further hypothesized that a linear monopole antenna will be able to measure the loss current and determine the location of redirection. Theory and software will be utilized to demonstrate the expected current distribution within a dense plasma focus and then be compared to experimental data measured by the linear monopole antenna.


Electrical and Computer Engineering | Electromagnetics and Photonics | Engineering Physics | Plasma and Beam Physics

Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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