"A Mixed methods exploration of principal communication and school clim" by Reece Oswalt

Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership


Educational Leadership

First Committee Member

Pamela Salazar, Chair

Second Committee Member

Patrick Carlton

Third Committee Member

James Hager

Graduate Faculty Representative

LeAnn Putney

Number of Pages



Mixed methods triangulation research design was used in order to explore the relationship between principal communication and school climate. The Organizational Climate Description Questionnaire for Elementary Schools (OCDQ-RE) and interview protocols on principal communication were administered to principals and teachers at three elementary schools each having between 700-1000 students in an urban school district consisting of approximately 300,000 students. Each school had between 80-100% Free and Reduced Lunch (FRL), was designated Adequate according to No Child Left Behind Act (2001) as published in the 2009-2010 School Accountability Reports, and had a principal that had been assigned to that school for a minimum of two years. Data collection with the Organizational Climate Description Questionnaire for Elementary Schools (OCDQ-RE) was administered to a total of 90 teachers and three principals. Interviews were conducted with the principal and five teachers from each of the three schools. Results indicated relationships exist between principal communication and school climate. Specifically, findings revealed a relationship between the utilization of face-to-face communication channels, positive reinforcement, and school climate.


Climate; Communication; Corporate culture; Education; Organizational behavior; Principal; School management and organization; School principals; Triangulation; Urban schools


Educational Administration and Supervision | Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research | Interpersonal and Small Group Communication | Organizational Communication

File Format


Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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