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Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Taxing matters: How the US Tax Code affects gamblers, Todd Haushalter
Experienced clinician’s understanding and approach to treatment with male survivors of child sexual abuse, Blendine Perreire Hawkins
Experimental and computational analysis of an energy storage composite ankle foot orthosis, Michelle C. Hawkins
Protocol variation analysis of whole brain CT perfusion in acute ischemic stroke, Peter T. Heiberger
The Relationship of snowmobile year, track length, and riding terrain to the occurrence of musculosketetal symptoms in recreational snowmobile drivers, Erica L. Heisler
Phylogeography of two closely related anurans, the Relict Leopard Frog (Rana onca) and Lowland Leopard Frog (Rana yavapaiensis), Viktoria Hemmings
Transcriptional regulation of Shigella virulence plasmid-encoded genes by VirB and CRP, Christopher Thomas Hensley
An Analysis of the placement of music in Miami Beach hotels, Richard R. Hertan
An Analysis of First Amendment jurisprudence on the Supreme Court case of Locke v. Davey, Alexander John Herzog
Effects of comprehensive education on elementary school student performance on standardized exams, Kenneth Vaughn Higbee
Relative deprivation, relative gratification, status, and health, Samuel A. Holland
Shakespeare adapting Chaucer: “Myn auctour shal I folwen, if I konne”, Scott A. Hollifield
A Front-fixing finite element method for the valuation of American options, Anthony D. Holmes
The Influence of perspective and gender on the processing of narratives, Jeremy A. Houska
Finite strain studies of single crystal Fe3P under high pressures, John William Howard
Sequence and Chemostratigraphy of the Middle Cambrian Succession in Nevada and Utah, Robyn A. Howley
The Impact of rebranding on guest satisfaction and financial performance: A case study of Holiday Inn Singapore Orchard City Centre, Pingshan Huang
Pauline Viardot's Russian compositions, Amy Jo Hunsaker
An evaluation of lead in imported candies within Clark County, Nevada, USA, Lee Reuben Ibarra
Performance of Nevada’s aggregates in alkali-aggregate reactivity of Portland cement concrete, Mohammad Shahidul Islam
Predictors of recall and reading time for seductive and nonseductive text segments, Ivan V. Ivanov
Measurement system for high pressure characterizations of materials, Matthew K. Jacobsen
Characterization of unsaturated flow in dual-porosity granular media, Jeevan A. Jayakodilage
Reconstructing species responses to past climatic changes using niche modeling and genetic data, Tereza Jezkova
Use of task-value instructional inductions for facilitating engagement and conceptual change, Marcus L. Johnson
Energy efficient LED displays, John Mani Kumar Jupalli
Use of an animal model to explore prenatal predictors of insulin and glucose metabolism in Southwestern Alaskan Yupiit, Julie Jo Kachinski
Data routing in multicore processors using dimension increment method, Arpita H. Kadakia
Weapons labs and city growth: Livermore and Albuquerque, 1945-1975, Layne Rochelle Karafantis
A Comparative study on text categorization, Aditya Chainulu Karamcheti
Removal of arsenic and strontium from aqueous solution using ironoxide coated zeolitized tuff, Nataliya V. Kasimtseva
Does complimentary in-room internet access influence business traveler's decision on hotel selection in Singapore, Zainal Abiddin Kassim
The Effects of annual pass holders on the Disneyland Resort infrastructure, Sean B. Keliiholokai
Civil-military relations: A case study of Pakistan, Najiyah Khan
Brand extensions for hotels’ food and beverage expansion to the outside of property: A case of Westin Chosun Hotel in Korea, Claire Hyun Jung Kim
A Secure on-line credit card transaction method based on Kerberos Authentication protocol, Jung Eun Kim
Sunrise, sunset? Comparing the Las Vegas and Macao gaming markets in 2010, Jung-Eun Joyce Kim
Oral cancer in Nevada: A Public health perspective, Karl Kingsley
Perception of ecological risk to water environments and how it affects water consumption and water resource management in southern Nevada, Tanju Kiriscioglu
High school student interests in architecture, construction, and engineering education, Krishna P. Kisi
Illegal substance abuse in the full-service restaurant industry: An evaluation of pre-employment drug-testing, Miranda Kitterlin
Preparation and characterization of extraction chromatography resins using N-donor extractants for trivalent actinide and lanthanide separations, Christopher L. Klug
Commercial sex workers: Lives and practices, Sarah J. Knowles
A Change management effort in one large public organization: An exploration of the perception of needed skills for managing change, Brian Paul Knudsen
Study of stemming algorithms, Savitha Kodimala
Detours admitting short paths, Reshma Koganti
The Culture of revolution: Revolutionary transformation in Iran, Autoosa Elizabeth Kojoori-Saatchi
Statistical modeling and analysis of injury severity sustained by occupants of passenger vehicles involved in crashes with large trucks, Ahmad Koupaenejad
The Boys' club: An exploration into the social world of a Las Vegas casino sports book, Frederick W. Krauss
Principal stress: Working in conflicting paradigms from newtonian to new science, Shelley Kresyman
An Exploratory study on energy consumption of Energy Star and non-Energy Star homes, Prajakta Kulkarni
Blameworthiness and dangerousness: An analysis of violent female capital offenders in the United States and China, Courtney Brooke LaHaie
Improving ensemble streamflow prediction using interdecadal/interannual climate variability, Kenneth W. Lamb
The Interim window: Women’s experiences during in vitro fertilization leading to maternal embryo attachment, Tammy MacKinnon Lampley
Employee theft: Determinants of motive and proactive solutions, David Langner
Silence: Exploring Salvatore Sciarrino’s style through L’opera per flauto, Megan R. Lanz
Initial development of a healthy living curriculum within family behavior therapy for substance abuse, Holly B. LaPota
Opportunities for intervention: Characteristics of alcohol related visits to United States emergency departments, 2003 - 2007, Jonathon LaValley
A Longitudinal study of neurocognitive deficits and functional outcome in bipolar disorder, Brian D. Leany
Adjustments in inter-cultural communication of expatriate and host national in local operation, Hanna Lee
General coupon collecting models and multinomial games, James Y. Lee
Impact of hotel discount strategies on consumers’ emotion and behavior in the presence of high and low involvement consumers, Seung H. Lee
DLA-LBG cross-correlation and basic properties of infrared galaxies in cosmological simulations, Tae Song Lee
Legalizing gaming in Singapore: The ethical implications, Yeng Tuck Nicholas Lee
Estimating the future growth potential of Kangwon Land casino, Yunekyong Lee
The Experience of feelings in depression, Noelle L. Lefforge
Adaptive management of complex environmental problems – Comparison of national nuclear waste management policies, Carmel Letourneau
Outcomes associated with a UNLV outdoor adventures' women's wilderness canoe trip, Joanna Leigh Libby
Kinetics at front foot contact of cricket bowling during a 10-over spell, Jacobus Noël Liebenberg
Application of modern hospitality management practices in China's time-honored restaurants, Junfeng Li
Exploration of Chinese consumer complaint behavior in the hospitality industry, Meng Li
Understanding American customer perceptions on Japanese food and services in the U.S, Hoon Lim
The Effects of social media networks in the hospitality industry, Wendy Lim
Filtration and growth rate of Lake Mead quagga mussels (Dreissena bugensis) in laboratory studies and analyses of bioaccumulation, Carolyn Louise Link
Bid for an international meeting: A guide for Taiwanese associations, Yu-Chun Liu
Detention basins for phosphorus and sediment control in Clark County, Nevada, Amina Rashid Lodhi
Bacillus cereus and Bacillus anthracis germination kinetics: A Michaelis-Menten approach, Helen Luu
The Value of an associate degree in culinary arts from a public postsecondary school versus a private school, John F. Maas
Macrophages loaded with gold nanoshells for photothermal ablation of glioma: An in vitro model, Amani Riad Makkouk
Classification algorithms for genomic microarray, Rakesh Choudary Malepati
Development of a functional MRI Olfactory Protocol, Jeremy Mangum
Building DuPont: Capitalism, manufactures, and place in early America, 1800-1820, Christopher Manning
From the valleys to the mountains: The biographic history of antelope squirrels, bats, and chipmunks in Western North America, Stacy James Mantooth
The Role of transcription in stationary phase mutagenesis in Bacillus subtilis, Holly Anne Martin
Bordered identities: Class, ethnicity, and transnational social networks, Rayette Ellen Martin
Inferring rules from sound: The role of domain-specific knowledge in speech and music perception, Aaronell Shaila Matta
Analysis and evaluation of safety impacts of median types and midblock left turn treatments for urban arterials, Timur Mauga
Verbal cues: Producing the same results in stereotype threat research?, Tarryn E. McGhie
A Guide for small meetings in Las Vegas, Linda Dorothy McIlveen
Complimentary rewards in Las Vegas casinos: A literature synthesis and recommendations for profitable complimentary reward programs, Katharine S. Meczka
Trade and exchange in the Neolithic Near East: Implications of obsidian remains from Ais Yiorkis, Cyprus, Megan M. Melson
Team-based learning: Engagement and accountability with psychometric analysis of a new instrument, Heidi Ann Mennenga
Pattern extraction from the world wide web, Praveena Mettu
Adjustment to correctional confinement: Investigating the correlates of violence and disorder in a jail environment, Fred W. Meyer III
Efficiency of fiscal allocations in site-based empowered schools, Jerome Jay Meyer
Effect of spatial and temporal variability of antecedent moisture content on model-generated runoff from an arid watershed, William J. Meyer
Exploring the phenomena of inner experience with descriptive experience sampling, Janell M. Mihelic