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Theses/Dissertations from 2003
Chemical Kinetics and Thermal Hydraulics of Lead Bismuth Flow Loops, Kanthi Kiran Dasika
Assessment of potential environmental impacts of nature-based tours originating within Clark County, Nevada, Beth Domowicz
An Analysis of apartment complex recycling in Clark County, Nevada, Noriko Eguchi
Vulnerability assessment and mitigation planning in Clark County, Nevada: The challenges of policy implementation in the intergovernmental arena, Angelina L. Evans
Consumptive water use at the Mirage Hotel and the Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada, Johann A. Feller
Trail conditions and preferences from a mountain bike users perspective in Cottonwood Valley, Jeff Frampton
The Economic impact of the adult dance establishments on the community, Christina Henry
A Safety Analysis of Roundabouts in the Las Vegas Valley Clark County, Nevada, Michael J. Janssen
A Waste assessment of the UNLV dormitories, Colin Kaneda
Quality improvement: Physician providers, and the Women Health Connection Program, in the provision of breast and cervical cancer screening services in Nevada., Salome K. Kapella
Measuring the environmental attitudes of children in grade 4: A study in Clark County, Amir Khawaja
Fluctuations in Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) Counts at three lower Columbia River spawning sites, Eric Michael Loomis
Qualitative measurements of occupant comfort in five U.S. schools, Anthony Miller
Is it Time for UNLV to Reform its Classified Personnel System?, John H. Mueller
Racial Profiling and Mandatory Data Collection in Nevada: How will Law Enforcement Respond?, Gregory M. Roehm
Development of a Systems Engineering Model for Chemical Separation Process, Lijian Sun
A Case for choice in education, Edward Tyndall
Retaining intensive care nurses in Las Vegas: The importance of nurse manager leadership, Megan Vendetti
Nevada "Nurselessness": An Acute or Chronic Condition? An Examination of the Etiology and Possible Treatment Alternatives, Jeanine Warren-Newmon
Study of Geometric Effects on Local Corrosion Rates for LBE Loop, Chao Wu
Recruiting and selection of police officers: A case study of the Clark County School District Police Department, Anthony A. York
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
Cross-sectional Study of Strength in Sharing: Philanthropy in Girl Scouting, Juergen Barbusca
The Impact of the Winter's Doctrine on water allocation to the Gila River Indian Community, Deana P. Benally
Coastal resort development and impacts on shallow water aquifers in southern Baja California, Sur. Mexico, Bud J. Bennenman
‘Sworn’ versus ‘civilian’ career development paths in the fire service in Nevada, Kelly Blackmon
A Study of obstacles to use of methane gas produced in landfills for energy, Sharee Lynn Bowdidge
Genesis and morphology of soil pendants in Quaternary landforms of Pahranagat Valley, Nevada, Amy Lynn Brock
Research protocol for the Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus): Mirage Click Collection Study, Adrienne M. Cardwell
An Economic analysis of the arsenic standard on Nevada, Jill S. Dale
Better revenue forecasting: Is fiscal stress a stimulant? A look at Nevada local governments, Richard A. Derrick
Human Subjects Protection in Research: Are We Doing Enough?, Marsha L. Green
An Empirical study of attitudes towards telecommuting among government finance professionals, Joseph J. Grippaldi
The Policies of Implementing Traffic Calming in the Las Vegas Valley, David A. Guerra
Charter schools and accountability: An evalution of Nevada's charter school accountability legislation, Sonya Douglass Horsford
Addressing helicopter noise impacts in Las Vegas, Nevada within the confines of the Airport Noise and Capacity Act, Jeffrey M. Jacquart
The Impact of air quality on the selection of a home, Carol Lane
Workforce diversity programs: A case study of the Las Vegas Valley Water District’s “3-year diversity implementation plan”, Wilisha C. Moore
Mosquito population dynamics during the establishment phase of a constructed desert wetland, April Newman
Lake Mead hospital conversion to complete delivery system, Roger W. Noorda
Assessing citizen preferences: Supporting and funding a new animal shelter facility, Theresa A. Viau
Workplace violence: A case study, Robert F. White
Design and Analysis for Melt Casting Metallic Fuel Pins Incorporating Volatile Actinides, Xiaolong Wu
Modeling and Simulation of the Chemical Etching Process in Niobium Cavities, Qin Xue
Theses/Dissertations from 2001
Challenges for the new west: Economic impacts of wilderness in Nevada's rural counties, Lesley Regina Argo
Collaborative interaction: Military managers consulting with American Indians, Susan B. Barrow
Top Female Hospital Executives in Las Vegas, Nevada: An in Depth Case Study, Caroline R. Copeland
Policy for management of living collections at the Las Vegas Springs Preserve, Peter F. Duncombe
An Ethical framework for interpreting the United States Endangered Species Act, Cathryn M. Elgin
Auto dealership compliance with hazardous materials management in the Las Vegas Valley, Lisa Evenson
Patient satisfaction in managed care, Veronda M. Finley
Southern Nevada Water Authority, Statler Hasley
Clark County School District: Bonds and debt. Can they be divided equally?, Jocelyn Izumigawa
Nurses, pharmacists, and information technology in public healthcare, Larry Allen Malato
The Workforce Investment Act of 1998: Implementation in the state of NSvada, Kimberly Meier
Sales and use taxes in Clark County and potential implications of the Internet sales tax moratorium, Patrick Timothy Collins Smith
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
The Rural hospital dilema: Will Nevada’s rural hospital system survive?, Nancy L. Anderson
Special event recycling: The future of UNLV's recycling program, Katherine A. Baker
Mapping the Boulder City wetlands using a global positioning system (GPS) and a geographic information system (GIS), Jennifer Lea Bishop
Comparative analysis of three remediation technologies for the clean up of petroleum contaminated groundwater, Thomas Bouck
Examination of the Bureau of Land Management's implementation of the Wild, Free-Roaming Horse and Burro Act at Red Rock National Conservation Area, Christine E. Brehm
An Examination of gasoline pollutants from two-cycle Marine Engines within Lake Mead National Recreation Area, Brian Carter
Gender differences in presenting symptoms, treatment, and outcome in myocardial infarction, Alona Dalusung-Angosta
Impact of the American's with Disabilities Act on local government (a retrospective review of 10 years of action) specific to personnel administration, Mark A. Dascalos
Hazardous materials incidents and emergency medical response in Clark County, Martha Dicey
Deposition and uptake availability of lead shot for waterfowl at Honeybee Pond within the Overton Wildlife Management Area, Nevada, USA, Jason Eckberg
Two different soil sampling techniques for assessing soil lead concentrations at the Overton Wildlife Management Area, Nevada, Kristen E. Falc
An Examination of a Brownfield: The former North Las Vegas armory site, Rebecca L. Fowler
Public finance of professional athletic facilities: Case studies in stadium and arena finance, Larry Harala
An Analysis of the socio-economic impact of casino gambling in Mesquite, Nevada, and its implications for public policy, Janice K. Herfeld
The Legislative history of gambling, 1861 - 1915, Ben Hetfeld
An Analysis of the socio-economic impact of casino gaming in Mesquite, Nevada, and its implications for public policy, Janice K. Hetfeld
A Study of the training methods used by the Vehicle Maintenance Department of the Clark County School District Transportation Division, Jon J. Howard
Coalition Formation: Governmental practices to resolve social issues, DelShanna Jones
Remote sensing and geographic information systems for decision analysis in public resource administration: Case study in a Southwestern watershed, William G. Kepner
City of Las Vegas sidewalk maintenance and repair: Who is responsible?, Daphnee Legarza
Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia mydas) hatchlings success: The effects of artificial lights and other human impacts, Hui-Yu Tracy Liang
Levels of synthetic musks in municipal wastewater for estimating biota exposure in receiving waters, Lantis Osemwengie
Fat, dumb, and happy. The future of DOE/NV?, Michelle E. Slichko
Implementing corporate universities in the public sector: Evaluating Clark County’s supervisor’s organizational skills program, Karen E. Stevens
Gated communities as public entities, Dennis W. Stransky
An Analysis of requirements for undergraduate international students to attend U.S. universities, Gregory M. Thevenin
Will succession planning at the Department of Energy/Nevada succeed?, James H. Winget
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Golf courses in Southern Nevada will significantly impact the water management efforts by using recycled water rather than potable water to irrigate their turf, Sean D. Ainsworth
Higher education cost leads to increased education debt, Nasreen Bakhtary
Alteration associated with gold deposition at the Getchell, Carlin-type gold deposit, north-central Nevada, Tracy Lynn Cail
Officer involved shooting: The emotional impact and the effective coping strategies, Patrick P. Charoen
A Comparison of public agency and casino employee turnover rates in Las Vegas, Timothy A. Clemens
Reciprocal transplantation of the Desert Soil Crust: Can it be done?, Christina D. Cole
What is Y2K and how did the University of Nevada system solve it?, Diane R. Dietrich
The Southern Nevada strategic planning authority plan public outreach efforts in the city of Henderson, Brenda S. Fischer
Rio natural gas, the alternative fuel of the future, Peter Garner
Do user fees violate nonmember rights?, Jerry Hartman