Revisiting ALAN 2018. It was so Fantastic!
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Dr. Bickmore's YA Wednesday
This week I revisit ALAN 2018. It was a great experience! I made new friends! I heard great keynotes, panels, and conversations. Now, I have to try to do what Mark and host of others before me have done as President. Wish me luck and more importantly, send me ideas and offer to help. One moment in the event that I will remember is the opportunity to introduce Ellen Hopkins and Kody Keplinger. I allude to this conversation a couple of weeks ago when I was still planning for it. Their discuss of guns and gun violence was excellent.
Children's and Young Adult Literature
Repository Citation
Bickmore, S. T.
Revisiting ALAN 2018. It was so Fantastic!.
Dr. Bickmore's YA Wednesday