Students Representing the ALA Book Awards and a Few More: The 2018 Edition
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Dr. Bickmore's YA Wednesday
A couple of weeks ago on Feb. 8, 2018 the UNLV COE and the Gayle A. Zeiter Center hosted a Children's and Young Adult Literature Conference. You can read more about our visit with Javaka Steptoe and Vogue Robinson. As part of the conference their were several breakout sessions. One of those sessions was put together by student groups in one of Denise Davila's classes. They had been assigned to explore and study various awards for Children's and Young Adult Literature. The projects they produced were wonderful and informative. A large portion of these awards are given through the American Library Association (ALA). Many of these student groups agreed to share their PowerPoints. I believe being aware of the various awards is the fastest way to keep up to speed with trends in the fields of Children's and and Young Adult Literature. Let's face it, we can't read everything. We can, however, trust the work of our colleagues. By being aware of the results, we can add to our reading list. Another move would be to explain the awards to our students at every level. If our students browse the awards they will very likely find books that represent they various interests and their backgrounds. The awards represent various ethnic and racial groups and a variety of genres.
Children's and Young Adult Literature
Repository Citation
Bickmore, S. T.
Students Representing the ALA Book Awards and a Few More: The 2018 Edition.
Dr. Bickmore's YA Wednesday