Document Type

Technical Report

Publication Date



Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno


This report shows the work done for this period in accordance to cooperative agreement of University of Nevada system for the Task 019 “Subsurface Corrosion Research on Rock Bolt System, Perforated SS Sheets and Steel Sets for the Yucca Mountain Repository”, the overall objective of which is to conduct corrosion research and predict the durability of rock-bolts and other underground metallic roof supports. We are performing oxidation tests using Thermogravimetric Analyzer (TGA), and Potentiodynamic tests to determine the corrosion rates of rock bolts, other support materials including bench mark materials.

In this quarter, we have performed:

Potentiodynamic tests were performed to determine corrosion rates (CR) of 4340 Steel in 10X YM waters at several temperatures.

EIS studies were performed on the 4340 steel.

Detailed studies on Swellex Rock bolts were performed by using individual ionic species found in the YM waters, such sulfate ions, bi carbonate ions etc.

Corrosion studies completed on Split set rock bolts and manuscript written sent to Metallurgical Transactions. The title of the manuscript is “Electrochemical Behavior of Friction Type Rock Bolt in Complex Ionic Electrolytes authors” by Md Sazzadur Rahman, Suresh Divi, Dhanesh Chandra, and Jaak Daemen.” Submitted to Met Trans (A) Journal, which is attached as part of this report. Please note that in the manuscript we have not disclosed the rock bolt manufacturer’s name, instead the type of steel.

Please also note that a manuscript, entitled “Electrochemical Evaluation of Passive Corrosion Behavior of Alloy 22. In complex Ionic Electrolyte,” was sent last quarter. This manuscript has been recently submitted to Electrochimica Acta, and is currently under review.

Oxidation studies were performed on Split Set (SS46) rock bolts; majority of the analyses completed.


Nevada – Yucca Mountain; Radioactive waste repositories; Rock bolts – Corrosion; Stainless steel – Stress corrosion


Materials Science and Engineering | Metallurgy | Structural Materials




Task ORD-FY04-019
Document No: SIP-UNR-040
DOE/UCCSN Cooperative Agreement Number DE-FC28-04RW12232
