"Sub-surface corrosion research on rock bolt system, perforated SS shee" by Dhanesh Chandra and Jaak J.K. Daemen

Document Type

Technical Report

Publication Date



Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno


This 12th report shows the work done in accordance to cooperative agreement of University of Nevada system for the Task 019 “Subsurface Corrosion Research on Rock Bolt System, Perforated SS Sheets and Steel Sets for the Yucca Mountain Repository”, the overall objective of which is to conduct corrosion research and predict the durability of rock-bolts and other underground metallic roof supports. We are performing oxidation tests using Thermogravimetric Analyzer (TGA), and Potentiodynamic and immersion tests to determine the corrosion rates of rock bolts.

In this quarter:

Potentiodynamic tests were performed to determine corrosion rates (CR) of 4340 Steel in pure water and simulated seawater using sodium bicarbonate and/or sodium silicate as electrolyte(s) at 25C under deaerated conditions (improved CR’s).

Immersion corrosion tests were performed on 4340 steel in aerated and deaerated environments at 25C, 45C and 75C in simulated, 1X YM electrolyte.

Immersion corrosion tests were performed on 4340 steel for 110 days in an ambient air environment at 20oC in simulated, 1X YM electrolyte.

Oxidation studies were performed on Swellex Mn-24 and SS-46 steels using TGA to determine the oxidation kinetics of these steels at high temperatures.

Potentiodynamic, potentiostatic and corrosion rate tests were performed on Swellex Mn-24 steels using simulated J-13 well water.


Nevada – Yucca Mountain; Radioactive waste repositories; Rock bolts – Corrosion; Stainless steel – Stress corrosion


Materials Science and Engineering | Metallurgy | Structural Materials




Task ORD-FY04-019
Document No: SIP-UNR-040
DOE/UCCSN Cooperative Agreement Number DE-FC28-04RW12232
