Nonlinear Inverse and Predictive End Point Trajectory Control of Flexible Macro-Micro Manipulators
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Transaction of American Society of Mechanical Engineers Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control
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Thispaper presents a new approach to end-point trajectory control offlexible macro-micro manipulator based on nonlinear inversion and predictive control techniques. In this approach, precise control of the end-effector trajectoryis accomplished by the inverse controller of the rigid micromanipulator, and the predictive controller steers the end point ofthe flexible macro manipulator with limited elastic oscillation. The predictivecontrol law is obtained by minimizing a quadratic function ofthe tip tracking error, the elastic deflection, and the inputtorque of the flexible macro manipulator. The feedback parameters ofthe predictive controller are chosen such that zero dynamics areasymptotically stable. The combination of the inverse and the predictivecontrollers accomplishes precise end-effector trajectory tracking and elastic mode stabilization.These results are applied to a planar macro-micro manipulator systemconsisting of one flexible link and two micro rigid links.Simulation results are presented to show that in the closed-loop system time varying end point trajectory control and elastic modestabilization are accomplished.
Control theory; Manipulators (Mechanism); Trajectories (Mechanics)
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Repository Citation
Yim, W.,
Singh, S. N.
Nonlinear Inverse and Predictive End Point Trajectory Control of Flexible Macro-Micro Manipulators.
Transaction of American Society of Mechanical Engineers Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 119(3),