Gaming Research & Review Journal

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Volume 29, Issue 1 (2025)Read More

Current Articles

Journal Article24 March 2025

Slot floor layout strategy: Optimizing revenues vis-à-vis game location and popularity

Slot revenues are critical to the success of many of the world’s casinos. The rising cost of slot machines has often resulted in fewer games on the floor and fewer purchases of new games. Such conditions create choices for operators seeking to optimize slot revenues with their existing game mix, which invariably includes both high- and low-performing titles. Like game titles, the quality of all bank locations on the slot floor is not the same. Thus, operators must decide whether it is better to place the popular titles in the best locations and the less popular titles in the challenging locations, or the converse. The results of our paired-samples t test suggested it is the converse, as that combination produced a statistically and economically significant increase in daily t-win, over the course of a 120-day sample. Alternatively stated, the combination of high-performing titles in the bad location and low-performing titles in the good location outperformed the opposite combination. The observed increase in the mean daily t-win for the prevailing configuration was 21%, dropping to 18% with a single outlier omitted. The research design and method advanced herein offers a simple, rigorous, and objective means of examining this important question. Academically, this work extended research in the areas of both the servicescape and performance-potential studies aimed at the evaluation of individual slot machines.
Journal Article5 February 2025

Examining Factors Affecting Consumers’ Daily Fantasy Sports and Sports Betting Participation: Comparing Motivation and Perception of Skill Versus Luck

With the Supreme Court lifting the federal ban on sports betting, dominant Daily Fantasy Sports (DFS) operators including DraftKings and FanDuel have entered the sports gambling market and operate in legalized states in the United States. These providers of both DFS and sports betting are making efforts to better understand the characteristics of both DFS and sports betting consumers and develop effective marketing strategies to target each consumer segment. This research investigates the differences in motivation to participate and perception of skill vs. luck between DFS and sports betting participants. 934 adults (sports betting = 434, DFS = 500) were recruited from CloudResearch. The results from this study indicate that DFS and sports betting participants exhibited differences in their level of motivation with respect to entertainment and social interaction whereas they did not differ in terms of the motivation for financial gain and perception of skill vs. luck. The findings from this research provide meaningful insights that DFS and sports betting participants may be regarded as two independent consumer segments.
Journal Article11 February 2025

Examining the relationship between casino employee gambling involvement, demographic characteristics, and responsible gambling program perceptions

This study investigated past-year gambling involvement (i.e., frequency and breadth) among employees at MGM Resorts International (MGM) and their views on the effectiveness of MGM’s responsible gambling (RG) program (i.e., GameSense). It also examined associations between these views and employees’ gambling behavior, as well as their demographic and work-related characteristics. We used cross-sectional data drawn from a broader research project, which surveyed a large sample of MGM employees (n = 814) in 2020. Our analysis revealed that gambling frequency varied by ethnicity, department affiliations, and property location, while gambling breadth differed based on gender and department affiliations. We employed hierarchical multiple regression analysis to identify the factors that predicted perceived RG program effectiveness. This study identified four significant predictors of employees’ perceptions regarding the effectiveness of RG programs: (1) Asian ethnicity, (2) department affiliation (high or low contact with gamblers), (3) the location of their workplace (Las Vegas or elsewhere), and (4) tenure in the gaming industry in years. Employees identifying as Asian, those with longer industry tenure, or those working in high-contact departments or at non-Las Vegas properties tended to view the RG programs as more effective. These findings highlight the importance of developing RG training strategies tailored to the diverse backgrounds of employees and can be applied to enhance RG programming at land-based casinos.

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The Probability Distribution of the Sum of Several Dice: Slot Applications

The probability distribution of the sum of two fair dice is used to calculate the house advantage of various bets in craps, and is readily available in probability and statistics books and gaming literature. The probability distribution of the sum of A: dice (for k >= 3) is derived in this paper using the method of moment generating function. A recursion formula for deriving the probability distribution of the sum of k dice (for k >= 3) from the probability distribution of the stun of k-1 dice is also given. There are no gaming books or journal articles that demonstrate how a multi-reel slot game is developed. As an application of the probability distribution of the sum of k dice derived in this article, a slot game based on the sum of five dice is presented.
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