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The objective of this project is the design and evaluation of manufacturing processes for transmuter fuel fabrication. A detailed design description for the manufacturing of each candidate fuel type would support the informed selection of fuel for a transmutation system. We will collect pertinent manufacturing and process-related information and create an information database that will document the design, operations, and cost implications of various fuel choices. Fabrication processes for different fuel types will likely differ in terms of equipment types, throughput, and cost.

Year 1 of the project will be devoted to the analysis and assessment of the multiple steps required in the manufacture of different fuel types. This research will accomplish two tasks: First, comprehensive process definitions and requirements will be developed that will aid in the identification of issues, costs, impacts of the impact of fuel type choice on the fuel manufacturing process and the transmuter fuel cycle as a whole. Secondly, preliminary requirements for large scale fuel production in a remote environment for a network of transmutation systems will be defined. The results of this study will be documented in detail.

Following Year 1, the manufacturing processes would be simulated as operations supervised by remote operators. Both normal operations as well as failure scenarios would be investigated, analyzed, and simulated. The simulation results would assist AAA program personnel in performing sensitivity studies on the impact of different fuel types on AAA system operation, and in the estimation of transmutation system capital cost, economics of operation, process loss, and environmental and safety issues.


Nuclear fuel rods – Design and construction; Nuclear fuels; Transmutation (Chemistry)

Controlled Subject

Nuclear engineering; Nuclear fuel rods--Design and construction; Nuclear fuels


Nuclear | Nuclear Engineering

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252 KB


