Computer Modeling of Superimposed Inviscid Flows on a Microcomputer
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Mathematical and Computer Modelling
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Complex flow patterns can be simulated in inviscid flow theory through the superposition of simple flows such as sinks, sources, and uniform flow. The resulting flows are valuable in modeling the flow of fluids at high Reynolds numbers and may be used to simulate the flow over airfoils, aircraft fuselages, ship hulls, and circular pipes in heat exchangers.
A computer simulation program has been developed that models inviscid flow patterns and plots the resulting streamlines and equipotential lines on a microcomputer monitor. The program allows the user to superimpose doublets, sinks, sources, uniform flow, and vortices in any desired pattern. The code can also calculate and plot the inviscid velocity and pressure distribution at any point in the flow. A wide choice of singular 2-D flows can be superimposed with user-specified strengths, positions, and orientation angles. The program has been successfully used in undergraduate and graduate fluid mechanics courses and has been used to develop the pressure distributions around submerged structures.
Computer modeling; Computer simulations; Fluid mechanics; Inviscid flow; Microcomputer
Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics | Computer Engineering | Fluid Dynamics | Software Engineering
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Repository Citation
Culbreth, W.
Computer Modeling of Superimposed Inviscid Flows on a Microcomputer.
Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 14