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Research Methods (PBH 360-1002) offered by the School of Public Health was taught remotely by Manoj Sharma to undergraduate students (primarily from public health) in Fall 2020. The specific teaching techniques that were used in teaching this course were delivery as remote learning, organizing the entire course in Canvas and making it available from day 1, recording all lectures beforehand in Panopto, utilizing cases studies, employing WebEx and its breakout sessions, and having skill-building activities in each module that were sequential. In this course, the fourth-generation multi-theory model (MTM) of health behavior change was utilized from a pedagogical perspective to facilitate learning. In this theory, initiation of behavior change is effected through dialogue where the advantages of learning research methods were underscored through motivational feedback; behavioral confidence was built through small sequential steps; changes in the physical environment were facilitated through pre-recorded lectures in Panopto and breakout sessions in WebEx. The maintenance of behavior change was assisted through directed weekly goal setting, weekly skill-building reflective activities through Discussion Forum in Canvas, and peer and instructor social support. Even before the course was completed, two students presented at UNLV Fall 2020 Undergraduate Symposium and one at Regional Medical Education Conference (RMEC) where she won the bronze medal. Others have plans to present their final work at UNLV Spring 2021 Undergraduate symposium and some have plans to write for Spectra. End of course evaluations were quite positive with means on almost all items surpassing those of the Department or College (Overall Mean 4.72).
Publisher Location
Las Vegas (Nev.)
Publication Date
UNLV Office of Faculty Affairs
Multi-theory model; Remote teaching; Undergraduate; Research methods; Vehavior change
Education | Higher Education | Medicine and Health Sciences | Public Health | Scholarship of Teaching and Learning | Social and Behavioral Sciences
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File Size
145 KB
Recommended Citation
Sharma, Manoj, "Remote Teaching of Research Methods" (2021). UNLV Best Teaching Practices Expo. 128.
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Public Health Commons, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Commons, Social and Behavioral Sciences Commons