Succession Planning and Management in Nonprofit Organizations
Document Type
Book Section
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The Nonprofit Human Resource Management Handbook: From Theory to Practice
Taylor and Francis
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Since many nonprofits are typically small and heavily reliant on a deeply motivated staff, planning for sustained leadership is critical for nonprofit organizations (Adams, 2010). In recent years, nonprofit practitioners and scholars have pointed to challenges with leadership transition and succession planning for executives as critical for organizational success (Allison, 2002; Froelich, McKee, & Rathge, 2011; Stewart, 2016). Despite the projected retirement of many nonprofit executives in the coming decade, few nonprofits have created or implemented formal succession plans (Wolfred, 2008). Surveys have consistently demonstrated nonprofits are aware of their leadership development gaps, but have not identified strategies to address them (Tierney, 2006). Therefore, as a key human resource management (HRM) practice, nonprofits have a lot of work to do in building their HRM capacity associated with transitions and succession. © 2017 Taylor & Francis.
Repository Citation
Kim, Y.
Succession Planning and Management in Nonprofit Organizations.
The Nonprofit Human Resource Management Handbook: From Theory to Practice
Taylor and Francis.