A New Elliptic Cryptographic Algorithm

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date


Publication Title

2018 IEEE 8th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC)

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A new cryptographic algorithm is presented in this research paper. This algorithm is based on operations defined on the circumference of an ellipse of arbitrary radii a, b and arbitrary center, modulo an arbitrary prime number large enough that the code cannot be broken within a reasonable amount of time. The operations around the ellipse provide phase angle modulation while modulo arithmetic with respect to the chosen prime number provides integer modulation. The phase modulation used in this algorithm is not the same as the phase-modulation transmission system for quantum cryptography which was published in Physics journals. The algorithm has only one zero point where the elliptic curve algorithm has many. Encryption-decryption using this algorithm is straight forward, because integer points not in the group can be used. The algorithm has similar security to RSA.


Elliptic curve cryptography, RSA, Diffie Hellman, Key management.



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