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Presented in this policy study, is an in-depth analysis of the growing Homelessness Crisis occurring across the state of Nevada while focusing on the state of play scenario that the Las Vegas Metropolitan Area presents. The data synthesized in this study primarily focuses on predicted homelessness rates, the current scope of the homelessness crisis, housing affordability, accessibility to poverty alleviation services, alongside notable policy recommendations. The scope of the study calls into question the funding formula and allocations of federal funds to solve the current homelessness crisis. Research methodologies in this study include but are not limited to, several mixed-methods like policy data analysis, data interpretation, observations, and archival research. The findings of this study indicate that immediate policy remedies/solutions are needed to alleviate the exacerbating homelessness crisis in Southern Nevada.
Publication Date
Fall 11-15-2021
Homelessness; Housing Crisis; Poverty Alleviation; Public Policy Analysis; Southern Nevada
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379 KB
Recommended Citation
Booth, Vanessa Marie and Brown, William Ph.D., "Visualizing the Southern Nevada Homelessness Crisis" (2021). Undergraduate Research Symposium Lightning Talks. 10.
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Faculty Mentor: William Brown, Ph.D.