Relationship Between Commissioning and Start-up Success Factors Achievement and Performance in Capital Projects
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Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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© 2021 American Society of Civil Engineers. Many industrial projects have experienced significant operability problems and failed to achieve capital project investment objectives during the commissioning and start-up (CSU) phase. To accomplish capital project investment objectives and achieve overall project success, thorough CSU planning, as well as execution of the CSU plan, are critical. However, the importance of CSU planning and execution is often treated lightly. To ensure more effective and successful CSUs for capital facilities, this study examined the correlation between CSU success factor achievement and CSU performance in capital projects, with the empirical data from 26 sample industrial capital projects. To accomplish this research goal, this study (1) developed CSU success factor achievement indicators that can recognize and assess projects' CSU achievement, and (2) examined the correlation between these CSU success factor achievement indicators and actual CSU performance in capital projects. This study contributes to the body of knowledge in project planning, particularly CSU planning, by (1) identifying 46 CSU success factor achievement indicators, and (2) identifying the relationship between CSU success factor achievement indicators and CSU performance in capital projects. This study contributes to practice by showing how project CSU performance can be improved through the implementation of CSU success factor achievement indicators. Project teams (and their clients) can benefit substantially by paying attention to these CSU success factor achievement indicators.
Capital facilities; Commissioning; Correlation; Indicators; Industrial projects; Startup; Success factors
Construction Engineering and Management
Repository Citation
O'Connor, J.,
Shrestha, B.,
Winkler, M.,
Choi, J. O.
Relationship Between Commissioning and Start-up Success Factors Achievement and Performance in Capital Projects.
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 147(3),