

gambling; gaming impact; resident attitude; social audit; social responsibility


Gaming and Casino Operations Management | Gaming Law

Document Type

Original Research Article


The study brings to the forefront a discussion of corporate social responsibility of gaming operators. It assessed Macao high school students' and teachers' perceptions of the extent of social responsibility being exercised by the six local gaming operators, as well as their support for the operators, and desire for further gaming investment and work opportunities in the gaming sector. The majority of the respondents were not aware of gaming operators exercising socially responsible activities. Among those who were, the majority perceived that only one company was involved and none has participated in protecting the environment, beautifying the city, creating a harmonious environment, treating local staff fairly, and promoting responsible gambling. Five social responsibility factors were identified. Poisson regression analysis indicated that perception of gaming operators' being considerate of Macao's interests was influenced significantly by their contribution to three socially responsible activities.
