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Currently, there is very little research in the field of architecture that touches upon mental health. While there were many articles that were written during this period discussing the correlation between architecture and mental health, most of them were not peer-reviewed studies and did not specify any mental illness, but were instead very broad and vague. In a recent investigation from 2020, researchers found that between 2008 and 2020, there were a total of 59 academic papers published discussing the relationship between architecture and at least 1 mental illness (Aljunaidy & Adi, 2020). The majority (66%) of articles focused on either autism or dementia. Articles discussing anxiety and depression, the two leading mental illnesses in the country accounted for only 8% of total scholarship. When stress- related disorders were added to the aforementioned categories, the number of articles increased to 20%. Given the increased awareness around mental health and the prevalence of anxiety and depression, it was unfortunate that there were only 12 articles written in the span of 12 years that discussed the topic in relation to architecture.

Of the 2 articles discussing anxiety disorders, only one of them focused on generalized anxiety disorder, and it was related to healthcare settings. Of the 3 articles discussing depression, 2 of them focused on psychiatric healthcare facilities, and the third one vaguely mentioned architecture, but was not substantial enough to constitute as architectural research. This means that in the past decade there were 0 research articles discussing the relationship between school architecture and generalized anxiety or depression, the two most prevalent mental illnesses amongst school-age children and teenagers.

Given the prevalence of anxiety related disorders amonst K-12 students, it seems there is a gap in the current scholarship surrounding school architecture. This project aims to begin filling that gap by relating the built environment of a school with the psychology of the students within.

Publisher Location

Las Vegas (Nev.)

Publication Date



University of Nevada, Las Vegas



Controlled Subject

Architecture; School children--Mental health


Architecture | Art and Design | Urban Studies and Planning

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27300 KB


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