100% Site-selective Fragmentation in Core-hole Photoexcited Methanol by Anion-ion Yield Spectroscopy
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Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
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Anion-yield spectroscopy is shown to provide the first experimental demonstration of 100% site selectivity in small-molecule photofragmentation processes. In methanol, CH3OH, creation of the anionic OH− fragment occurs only via resonant excitation below the carbon K edge; the fragment is completely absent near the oxygen K edge. This observation and comparison of all anion and cation partial yields confirm the existence of at least two mechanisms for the creation of anions near the carbon K edge.
Anions; Fragmentation reactions; Ionization; Methanol
Analytical Chemistry | Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics | Biological and Chemical Physics | Physical Chemistry
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Publisher Citation
Stolte, Wayne C., Gunnar Öhrwall, M. M. Sant'Anna, I. Dominguez Lopez, L. T. N. Dang, M. N. Piancastelli, and Dennis W. Lindle. "100% site-selective fragmentation in core-hole-photoexcited methanol by anion-yield spectroscopy." Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 35, no. 12 (2002): L253.
Repository Citation
Stolte, W. C.,
Sant’Anna, M. M.,
Ohrwall, G.,
Dominguez-Lopez, I.,
Dang, L. N.,
Piancastelli, M. N.,
Lindle, D. W.
100% Site-selective Fragmentation in Core-hole Photoexcited Methanol by Anion-ion Yield Spectroscopy.
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 35