UNLV Chemistry and Biochemistry Faculty Research | Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry | University of Nevada, Las Vegas

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About the Collection

This collection contains faculty research from the UNLV Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. Records are organized by Year, Author, and Title. To view the entire collection of UNLV faculty research across all programs, visit the All Faculty Research collection.


Submissions from 2024


Piezochromic Behavior of 2,4,6-Triphenylpyrylium Tetrachloroferrate, Princess Canasa, David King, Petrika Cifligu, Adrian F. Lua Sanchez, Si L. Chen, Haesook Han, Trimaan Malik, Brant Billinghurst, Jianbao Zhao, Changyong Park, George R. Rossman, Michael Pravica, Pradip K. Bhowmik, and Egor Evlyukhin


Facile One-Pot Synthesis and Anti-Microbial Activity of Novel 1,4-Dihydropyridine Derivatives in Aqueous Micellar Solution under Microwave Irradiation, Asmita Goswami, Navneet Kaur, Manvinder Kaur, Kishanpal Singh, Harvinder Singh Sohal, Haesook Han, and Pradip K. Bhowmik

Submissions from 2022

Bis(4-alkoxyphenyl) Viologen Bis(triflimide) Salts: Synthesis, Thermotropic Liquid-crystalline and Light-emitting Properties, Pradip K. Bhowmik Professor, Mohammed Kareem M. Al-Karawi, Shane T. Killarney, Erenz J. Dizon, Anthony Chang, Jongin Kim, Si Chen, Ronald Carlo G. Principe, Andy Ho, Haesook Han, Hari D. Mandal, Raymond G. Cortez, Bryan Gutierrez, Klarissa Mendez, Lewis Sharpnack, Deña M. Agra-Kooijman, Michael R. Fisch, and Satyendra Kumar

Dicationic Ionic Liquids Based on Bis(4-Oligoethyleneoxyphenyl) Viologen Bistriflimide Salts Exhibiting High Ionic Conductivities, Pradip K. Bhowmik Professor, Si Chen, Haesook Han, Khairul A. Ishakb, Thamil Selvi Velayutham, and Umama Bendaoud

Poly (Pyridinium Salt)s Based on 2,7-diamino-9,9'-Dioctylfluorene Moieties: Synthesis, Lyotropic Liquid-crystalline and Light-emitting Properties, Pradip K. Bhowmik, Tae S. Jo, Jung J. Koh, Bidyut Biswas, Ronald Carlo G. Principe, Haesook Han, András F. Wacha, and Matti Knaapila

Synthesis, Optical Spectroscopy and Laser Potential of 2,4,6-Triphenylpyrylium Chloride, Pradip K. Bhowmik, Ronald Carlo G. Principe, Si L. Chen, David King, Haesook Han, Ahamed Jubair, Vladimir Kartazaev, and Swapan Kumar Gayen

On the Use of Stereodynamical Effects to Control Cold Chemical Reactions: The H + D < Inf > 2 < /Inf > ↔ D + Hd Case Study, Humberto Da Silva, B. K. Kendrick, and Balakrishnan Naduvalath

Triflic Anhydride (Tf < inf > 2 < /inf > O)-Activated Transformations of Amides, Sulfoxides and Phosphorus Oxides via Nucleophilic Trapping, Hai Huang and Jun Y. Kang

An Aniline-Substituted Bile Salt Analog Protects Both Mice and Hamsters From Multiple Clostridioides Difficile Strains, Jacqueline R. Phan, Dung M. Do, Minh Chau Truong, Connie Ngo, Julian H. Phan, Shiv K. Sharma, Angel Schilke, Chrisabelle C. Mefferd, Jacob V. Villarama, Dengxun Lai, Amber Consul, Brian P. Hedlund, Steven M. Firestine, and Ernesto Abel-Santos

Submissions from 2021


New Dithiocarbamates as a Possible Human Serum Albumin Metal Carrier in Drug Delivery Systems and Their Antioxidant and Antiproliferative Activities, Saadi M.D. Al-Nuzal, Azhar M. Haleem, Ken Czerwinski, and Salah M. Haleem

Synthesis of Rhodamines and Rosamines Using 3,6-Difluoroxanthone as a Common Intermediate, Carlos Arambula, Joseph Rodrigues, Jung Koh, and Zachary Woydziak

Selective Hydrolysis of Phosphorus(V) Compounds to Form Organophosphorus Monoacids, Jeffrey Ash, Hai Huang, Paula Cordero, and Jun Yong Kang


Special Issue Editorial: Current Advances in Liquid Crystals, Pradip K. Bhowmik


Poly(Pyridinium Salt)s Containing 2,7-Diamino-9,9'-Dioctylfluorene Moieties with Various Organic Counterions Exhibiting Both Lyotropic Liquid-Crystalline and Light-Emitting Properties, Pradip K. Bhowmik, Tae S. Jo, Jung J. Koh, Jongwon Park, Bidyut Biswas, Ronald Carlo G. Principe, Haesook Han, András F. Wacha, and Matti Knaapila


Dicationic Stilbazolium Salts: Structural, Thermal, Optical, and Ionic Conduction Properties, Pradip K. Bhowmik, Jung J. Koh, David King, Haesook Han, Benoît Heinrich, Bertrand Donnio, Daniel Zaton, and Alfonso Martinez-Felipe

Ionic Liquid Crystals: Synthesis and Characterization via NMR, DSC, POM, X-ray Diffraction and Ionic Conductivity of Asymmetric Viologen Bistriflimide Salts, Pradip K. Bhowmik, Omar Noori, Si L. Chen, Haesook Han, Michael R. Fisch, Christina M. Robb, Aaron Variyam, and Alfonso Martinez-Felipe


Singlet Fission in Acene Blends, Katharina Broch, Clemens Zeiser, Chad Cruz, Luca Moretti, Margherita Maiuri, Eric Chronister, David Reichman, Roel Tempelaar, Giulio Cerullo, and Christopher Bardeen


Recovery of High Specific Activity Molybdenum-99 From Accelerator-Induced Fission on Low-Enriched Uranium for Technetium-99m Generators, M. Alex Brown, Nathan Johnson, Artem V. Gelis, Milan Stika, Anna G. Servis, Alex Bakken, Christine Krizmanich, Kristin Shannon, Peter Kozak, Amanda Barnhart, Chad Denbrock, Nicolas Luciani, Terry Grimm, and Peter Tkac


Pressure- and Temperature-Dependent Inelastic Neutron Scattering Study of the Phase Transition and Phonon Lattice Dynamics in Para-Terphenyl, Qingan Cai, Michael McIntire, Luke L. Daemen, Chen Li, and Eric Chronister

Efficient Passivation of N-Type and P-Type Silicon Surface Defects by Hydrogen Sulfide Gas Reaction, U. K. Das, R. Theisen, A. Hua, A. Upadhyaya, I. Lam, T. K. Mouri, N. Jiang, D. Hauschild, L. Weinhardt, W. Yang, A. Rohatgi, and C. Heske


Colossal Density-Driven Resistance Response in the Negative Charge Transfer Insulator MnS2, Dylan Durkee, Nathan Dasenbrock-Gammon, G. Alexander Smith, Elliot Snider, Dean Smith, Christian Childs, Simon A.J. Kimber, Keith V. Lawler, Ranga P. Dias, and Ashkan Salamat

Software for the Frontiers of Quantum Chemistry: An Overview of Developments in the Q-Chem 5 Package, Evgeny Epifanovsky, Andrew T.B. Gilbert, Xintian Feng, Joonho Lee, Yuezhi Mao, Narbe Mardirossian, Pavel Pokhilko, Alec F. White, Marc P. Coons, Adiran L. Dempwolff, Zhengting Gan, Diptarka Hait, Paul R. Horn, Leif D. Jacobson, Ilya Kaliman, Jorg Kussmann, Adrian W. Lange, Ka Un Lao, Daniel S. Levine, Jie Liu, Simon C. McKenzie, Adrian F. Morrison, Kaushik D. Nanda, Felix Plasser, Dirk R. Rehn, Marta L. Vidal, Zhi-Qiang You, Ying Zhu, Bushra Alam, Benjamin J. Albrecht, and Abdulrahman Aldossary

Impact of Substrate Temperature During Naf and Kf Post-deposition Treatments on Chemical and Optoelectronic Properties of Alkali-Free CU(In,GA)SE < Inf > 2 < /Inf > Thin Film Solar Cell Absorbers, Alexander Eslam, Roland Wuerz, Dirk Hauschild, Lothar Weinhardt, Wolfram Hempel, Michael Powalla, and Clemens Heske

A 70-Year-Old Mystery in Technetium Chemistry Explained by the New Technetium Polyoxometalate [H7O3]4[Tc20O68] ⋅ 4H2O, Konstantin E. German, Alexander M. Fedoseev, Mikhail S. Grigoriev, Gayane A. Kirakosyan, Thomas Dumas, Christophe Den Auwer, Philippe Moisy, Keith V. Lawler, Paul M. Forster, and Frederic Poineau

Impact of N-Butylammonium Bromide on the Chemical and Electronic Structure of Double-Cation Perovskite Thin Films, Dirk Hauschild, Linsey Seitz, Saba Gharibzadeh, Ralph Steininger, Nan Jiang, Wanli Yang, Ulrich Wilhelm Paetzold, Clemens Heske, and Lothar Weinhardt


Using the Inelastic Background in Hard X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy for a Depth-Resolved Analysis of the Cds / CU(In,GA)SE < Inf > 2 < / Inf > Interface, Dirk Hauschild, Ralph Steininger, Dimitrios Hariskos, Wolfram Witte, Sven Tougaard, Clemens Heske, and Lothar Weinhardt

Chemical Structure of a Carbon-Rich Layer at the Wet-Chemical Processed Cultformulatext_{2}formulaZnSn(S,Se)formulatext_{4}ltformulagtx002FMo Interface, D. Hauschild, S. J. Wachs, W. Kogler, L. Seitz, James Carter, T. Schnabel, B. Krause, M. Blum, W. Yang, E. Ahlswede, Clemens Heske, and Lothar Weinhardt

Ubiquitin Ligation to F-box Protein Targets by SCF–RBR E3–E3 Super-Assembly, Daniel Horn-Ghetko, David T. Krist, J. Rajan Prabu, Kheewoong Baek, Monique P.C. Mulder, Maren Klügel, Daniel C. Scott, Huib Ovaa, Gary Kleiger, and Brenda A. Schulman


The San1 Ubiquitin Ligase Avidly Recognizes Misfolded Proteins Through Multiple Substrate Binding Sites, Rebeca Ibarra, Heather R. Borror, Bryce Hart, Richard G. Gardner, and Gary Kleiger

Stereodynamic Control of Cold Rotationally Inelastic CO + HD Collisions, Pablo G. Jambrina, James F.E. Croft, Naduvalath Balakrishnan, and F. Javier Aoiz

Application of Cerium and Lanthanum Coagulants in Wastewater Treatment—A Comparative Assessment to Magnesium, Aluminum, and Iron Coagulants, George William Kajjumba, Daniel Fischer, Le Anna Risso, Daniel Koury, and Erica J. Marti


Coupling Methylammonium and Formamidinium Cations With Halide Anions: Hybrid Orbitals, Hydrogen Bonding, and the Role of Dynamics, Chinnathambi Kamal, Dirk Hauschild, Linsey Seitz, Ralph Steininger, Wanli Yang, Clemens Heske, Lothar Weinhardt, and Michael Odelius

Non-Adiabatic Quantum Interference in the Ultracold Li + LiNa → Li2+ Na Reaction, Brian K. Kendrick, Hui Li, Ming Li, Svetlana Kotochigova, James F.E. Croft, and Naduvalath Balakrishnan

Technetium Electrochemistry at the Turn of the Century, Vitaly V. Kuznetsov, Maciej Chotkowski, Frederic Poineau, Mikhail A. Volkov, Konstantin German, and Elena A. Filatova

Decoupling Lattice and Magnetic Instabilities in Frustrated CuMnO2, Keith V. Lawler, Dean Smith, Shaun R. Evans, Antonio M. Dos Santos, Jamie J. Molaison, Jan Willem G. Bos, Hannu Mutka, Paul F. Henry, Dimitri N. Argyriou, Ashkan Salamat, and Simon A.J. Kimber

Toward Equitable Assessment of English Language Learners in General Chemistry: Identifying Supportive Features in Assessment Items, Eshani N. Lee and MaryKay Orgill


Aerobic Copper-Promoted Oxidative Dehydrosulfurative Carbon-Oxygen Cross-Coupling of 3,4-Dihydropyrimidine-1: H -2-Thiones With Alcohols, Jihong Lee, Yujeong Kwon, Dong-Chan Lee, and Jeong Hun Sohn


Coexistence of Metamagnetism and Slow Relaxation of Magnetization in Ammonium Hexafluoridorhenate, James Louis-Jean, Samundeeswari M. Balasekaran, Keith V. Lawler, Adrián Sanchis-Perucho, José Martínez-Lillo, Dean Smith, Paul M. Forster, Ashkan Salamat, and Frederic Poineau

Structural and Spectral Studies of Hydrated Hexaamminecobalt(III)–Hexafluororhenate(IV), James Louis-Jean, Paul M. Forster, Samundeeswari Mariappan Balasekaran, Chien Thang Pham, and Frederic Poineau


Thermal Analysis of Benzotriazolium Perrhenate and Its Implication to Rhenium Metal, James Louis-Jean, Harry Jang, Andrew J. Swift, and Frederic Poineau

A Flow-Through Cell for the Electrochemical Oxidation of Perfluoroalkyl Substances in Landfill Leachates, Vanessa Y. Maldonado, Greg M. Landis, Mary Ensch, Michael F. Becker, Suzanne E. Witt, and Cory A. Rusinek

Rainbow Scattering in Rotationally Inelastic Collisions of HCl and H2, Masato Morita, Junxiang Zuo, Hua Guo, and Naduvalath Balakrishnan

Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Carbohydrates via Surface-Immobilized Viologen, Walter F. Paxton, Preston A. Humphries, Dallin D.V. Scott, Haesook Han, and Pradip K. Bhowmik

A comparison of metal nanoparticle-modified boron-doped diamond microelectrodes for the electrochemical detection of hydrogen peroxide, Sui Ching Phung, Paula Cordero, and Elizabeth Monroe

Characteristics and trajectories of academic staff who identify as DBER scholars, Reyne Pullen, MaryKay Orgill, and Manjula Sharma


Next-Generation Diamond Electrodes for Neurochemical Sensing: Challenges and Opportunities, Erin K. Purcell, Michael F. Becker, Yue Guo, Seth A. Hara, Kip A. Ludwig, Collin J. McKinney, Elizabeth M. Monroe, Robert Rechenberg, Cory A. Rusinek, Akash Saxena, James R. Siegenthaler, Caryl E. Sortwell, Cort H. Thompson, James K. Trevathan, Suzanne Witt, and Wen Li

Production and Supply of A-Particle-Emitting Radionuclides for Targeted A-Therapy, Valery Radchenko, Alfred Morgenstern, Amir R. Jalilian, Caterina F. Ramogida, Cathy Cutler, Charlotte Duchemin, Cornelia Hoehr, Ferrid Haddad, Frank Bruchertseifer, Haavar Gausemel, Hua Yang, Joao Alberto Osso, Kohshin Washiyama, Kenneth Czerwinski, Kirsten Leufgen, and Marek Pruszynski

Studies on the Importance of the 7α-, and 12α- Hydroxyl Groups of N-Aryl-3α,7α,12α-Trihydroxy-5β-Cholan-24-Amides on Their Antigermination Activity Against a Hypervirulent Strain of Clostridioides (Clostridium) Difficile, Shiv K. Sharma, Christopher Yip, Matthew P. Simon, Jacqueline Phan, Ernesto Abel-Santos, and Steven M. Firestine


β -Technetium: An Allotrope With a Nonstandard Volume-Pressure Relationship, Emily Siska, Dean Smith, Christian Childs, Daniel Koury, Paul M. Forster, Keith V. Lawler, and Ashkan Salamat

Synthesis of Yttrium Superhydride Superconductor with a Transition Temperature up to 262 K by Catalytic Hydrogenation at High Pressures, Elliot Snider, Nathan Dasenbrock-Gammon, Raymond McBride, Xiaoyu Wang, Noah Meyers, Keith V. Lawler, Eva Zurek, Ashkan Salamat, and Ranga P. Dias

Investigating H2 Adsorption in Isostructural Metal–Organic Frameworks M-CUK-1 (M = Co and Mg) through Experimental and Theoretical Studies, Shanelle Suepaul, Katherine A. Forrest, Peter A. Georgiev, Paul M. Forster, Wiebke Lohstroh, Veronika Grzimek, Samuel G. Dunning, Joseph E. Reynolds, Simon M. Humphrey, Juergen Eckert, Brian Space, and Tony Pham

Antagonistic Role of Aqueous Complexation in the Solvent Extraction and Separation of Rare Earth Ions, Pan Sun, Erik A. Binter, Zhu Liang, M. Alex Brown, Artem V. Gelis, Ilan Benjamin, Mrinal K. Bera, Binhua Lin, Wei Bu, and Mark L. Schlossman


Steep Sulfur Gradient in CZTSSe Solar Cells by H2S-Assisted Rapid Surface Sulfurization, Teoman Taskesen, Devendra Pareek, Dirk Hauschild, Alan Haertel, Lothar Weinhardt, Wanli Yang, Timo Pfeiffelmann, David Nowak, Clemens Heske, and Levent Gütay

Sulfate Speciation Analysis Using Soft X-Ray Emission Spectroscopy, Lothar Weinhardt, Dirk Hauschild, Ralph Steininger, Nan Jiang, Monika Blum, Wanli Yang, and Clemens Heske

X-SPEC: A 70 eV to 15 keV Undulator Beamline for X-Ray and Electron Spectroscopies, Lothar Weinhardt, Ralph Steininger, Dagmar Kreikemeyer-Lorenzo, Stefan Mangold, DIrk Hauschild, David Batchelor, Thomas Spangenberg, and Clemens Heske

Dynamic Effects and Hydrogen Bonding in Mixed-Halide Perovskite Solar Cell Absorbers, Regan G. Wilks, Axel Erbing, Golnaz Sadoughi, David E. Starr, Evelyn Handick, Frank Meyer, Andreas Benkert, Marcella Iannuzzi, Dirk Hauschild, Wanli Yang, Monika Blum, Lothar Weinhardt, Clemens Heske, Henry J. Snaith, Michael Odelius, and Marcus Bar


Vacancy Control in Acene Blends Links Exothermic Singlet Fission to Coherence, Clemens Zeiser, Chad Cruz, David R. Reichman, Michael Seitz, Jan Hagenlocher, Eric L. Chronister, Christopher J. Bardeen, Roel Tempelaar, and Katharina Broch


Regulation of DNA Replication Licensing and Re-Replication by cdt1, Hui Zhang


Inelastic, Exchange, and Reactive Processes in Rovibrationally Excited Collisions of HD With H, Boyi Zhou, Benhui Yang, Balakrishnan Naduvalath, B. K. Kendrick, Maodu Chen, and P. C. Stancil

Full-Dimensional Potential Energy Surface for RO-Vibrationally Inelastic Scattering Between H < Inf > 2 < / Inf > Molecules, Junxiang Zuo, James F.E. Croft, Qian Yao, Naduvalath Balakrishnan, and Hua Guo

Submissions from 2020

Corrosion Studies of Stainless Steel 304 L in Nitric Acid in the Presence of Uranyl Nitrate: Effect of Temperature and Nitric Acid Concentration, Hugues Badet and Frederic Poineau

NEDD8 Nucleates a Multivalent Cullin–RING–UBE2D Ubiquitin Ligation Assembly, Kheewoong Baek, David A. Krist, J. Rajan Prabu, Spencer Hill, Maren Klügel, Lisa-Marie Neumaier, Susanne Von Gronau, Gary Kleiger, and Brenda A. Schulman

Towards Mid-Valent Rhenium Fluoro-Phosphine Complexes Via Hexafluoridorhenate(IV) Anion Pathway Assisted by Trifluoro Acetic Acid, Samundeeswari Mariappan Balasekaran, Adelheid Hagenbach, and Frederic Poineau


Thermotropic Liquid-Crystalline and Light-Emitting Properties of Bis(4-aalkoxyphenyl) Viologen Bis(triflimide) Salts, Pradip K. Bhowmik, Muhammed Kareem M. Al-Karawi, Shane T. Killarney, Erenz J. Dizon, Anthony Chang, Jongin Kim, Si L. Chen, Ronald Carlo G. Principe, Andy Ho, and Haesook Han


Potential Application of Ionic Liquids for Electrodeposition of the Material Targets for Production of Diagnostic Radioisotopes, Maciej Chotkowski, Damian Połomski, and Kenneth Czerwinski

Using Temperature Dependent Fluorescence to Evaluate Singlet Fission Pathways in Tetracene Single Crystals, Chad D. Cruz, Eric L. Chronister, and Christopher J. Bardeen

A Combined Current Density Technique for the Electrochemical Oxidation of Perfluorooctanoic Acid (Pfoa) With Boron‐Doped Diamond, Mary Ensch, Cory A. Rusinek, Michael F. Becker, and Thomas Schuelke

Observation of Double Excitations in the Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering of Nitric Oxide, Adam E. A. Fouda, Linsey C. Seitz, Dirk Hauschild, Monika Blum, Wanli Yang, and Clemens Heske


Author Correction: Closing the Nuclear Fuel Cycle with a Simplified Minor Actinide Lanthanide Separation Process (ALSEP) and Additive Manufacturing, Artem V. Gelis, Peter Kozak, Andrew T. Breshears, M. Alex Brown, Cari Launiere, Emily L. Campbell, Gabriel B. Hall, Tatiana G. Levitskaia, Vanessa E. Holfeltz, and Gregg J. Lumetta

Conversion of Uranium Hexafluoride and Recovery of Uranium From Ionic Liquids, David W. Hatchett, Kenneth R. Czerwinski, Katherine Luebke, and Cassara Higgins


Machine Learning Corrected Quantum Dynamics Calculations, A. Jasinski, J. Montaner, R. C. Forrey, B. H. Yang, P. C. Stancil, Naduvalath Balakrishnan, J. Dai, A. Vargas-Hernandez, and R. V. Krems

The Extent of Ssa1/Ssa2 Hsp70 Chaperone Involvement in Nuclear Protein Quality Control Degradation Varies With the Substrate, Ramon D. Jones, Charisma Enam, Rebeca Ibarra, Heather R. Borror, Kaitlyn E. Mostoller, Eric K. Fredrickson, JiaBei Lin, Edward Chuang, Zachary March, James Shorter, Tommer Ravid, Gary Kleiger, and Richard G. Gardner


Non-Adiabatic Quantum Dynamics of the Ultracold Li+LiNa→ Li2+Na Chemical Reaction, B. K. Kendrick, M. Li, H. Li, S. Kotochigova, J. F.E. Croft, and Balakrishnan Naduvalath

Solvothermal Synthesis and Solid-State Characterization of Metal-Metal Bonded Tetracarboxylatoditechnetium(II,III) Polymers, William M. Kerlin, Frederic Poineau, Kenneth R. Czerwinski, Alfred P. Sattelberger, and Paul M. Forster

Hybrid Chemical Bath Deposition-CdS/sputter-Zn(O,S) Alternative Buffer for Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 Based Solar Cells, Willi Kogler, Thomas Schnabel, Erik Ahlswede, Teoman Taskesen, Levent Gütay, Dirk Hauschild, Lothar Weinhardt, Clemens Heske, Jasmin Seeger, Michael Hetterich, and Michael Powalla

Supporting English Language Learners in College Science Classrooms Insights From Chemistry Students, Eshani N. Lee, Marykay Orgill, and Carolanne Kardash

Optimized Synthesis of Thermally Stable Axially Modified Pyrazine-Acene Nanoribbon With Gelation Properties, Sae Hui Lee, Marco S. Valverde Paredes, Taylor J. Rappenecker, Kathleen A. Robins, and Dong-Chan Lee

Aqueous Solubility of Beryllium(II) at Physiological pH: Effects of Buffer Composition and Counterions, Rebecca C. Lim, Bhagya De Silva, Ji Hye Park, Vernon F. Hodge, and Ronald K. Gary

Linkage-Specific Ubiquitin Chain Formation Depends on a Lysine Hydrocarbon Ruler, Joanna Liwocha, David T. Krist, Gerbrand J. van der Heden van Noort, Fynn M. Hansen, Vinh H. Truong, Ozge Karayel, Nicholas Purser, Daniel Houston, Nicole Burton, Mark J. Bostock, Michael Sattler, Matthias Mann, Joseph S. Harrison, Gary Kleiger, Huib Ovaa, and Brenda A. Schulman


A High-Fat/High-Protein, Atkins-Type Diet Exacerbates Clostridioides (Clostridium) difficile Infection in Mice, whereas a High-Carbohydrate Diet Protects, Chrisabelle C. Mefferd, Shrikant S. Bhute, Jacqueline R. Phan, Jacob V. Villarama, Dung M. Do, Stephanie Alarcia, Ernesto Abel-Santos, and Brian P. Hedlund

Stereodynamics of Ultracold Rotationally Inelastic Collisions, Masato Morita and Naduvalath Balakrishnan

Stereodynamics of Rotationally Inelastic Scattering in Cold He + HD Collisions, Masato Morita and Balakrishnan Naduvalath

Stereodynamic Control of Overlapping Resonances in Cold Molecular Collisions, Masato Morita, Qian Yao, Changjian Xie, Hua Gao, and Naduvalath Balakrishnan

Recovery of Zirconium from Zircaloys Using a Hydrochlorination Process, Rosendo Borjas Nevarez, Bruce McNamara, and Frederic Poineau

Oxidative Dehydrosulfurative Cross-Coupling of 3,4-Dihydropyrimidine-2-thiones with Alkynes for Access to 2-Alkynylpyrimidines, Ngoc Son Le Pham, Hyunik Shin, Jun Yong Kang, and Jeong-Hun Sohn

Synthesis and Physicochemical Properties of the Mixtures Based on Choline Acetate or Choline Chloride, Damian Połomski, Piotr Garbacz, Kenneth Czerwinski, and Maciej Chotkowski

Magneto-Structural Coupling in SrTcxRu1-xO3 (x = 0.25,0.5) Perovskites, Emily M. Reynolds, Carl P. Romao, Helen E.A. Brand, Gordon J. Thorogood, Frederic Poineau, Kenneth R. Czerwinski, and Brendan J. Kennedy

Diamond-based Microelectrodes Fabricated Using the Diamond Growth Side for Neural Sensing, Cory Rusinek, Bin Fan, Cort H. Thompson, Monica Setien, Yue Guo, Robert Rechenberg, Yan Gong, Arthur J. Weber, Michael F. Becker, Erin Purcell, and Wen Li

Regulation of Cullin-RING E3 Ligase Dynamics by Inositol Hexakisphosphate, Daniel C. Scott and Gary Kleiger

Room-Temperature Superconductivity in a Carbonaceous Sulfur Hydride, Elliot Snider, Nathan Dasenbrock-Gammon, Raymond McBride, Matthew Debessai, Hiranya Vindana, Kevin Vencatasamy, Keith V. Lawler, Ashkan Salamat, and Ranga P. Dias


Lead Complexation by Humic Acids and Their Analogs: A Voltammetric Study, Spencer Steinberg and Vernon Hodge


Investigation of the Interaction of Gadolinium with Several Organic Ligands and Humic Acid by Ligand Competition Using 4-(2-Pyridylazo)-Resorcinol (PAR), Spencer Steinberg, Vernon Hodge, and Luis Becerra-Hernandez


Techno-Economic Analysis of Electrocoagulation on Water Reclamation and Bacterial/Viral Indicator Reductions of a High-Strength Organic Wastewater—Anaerobic Digestion Effluent, Sibel Uludag-Demirer, Nathan Olson, Rebecca Ives, Jean Pierre Nshimyimana, Cory A. Rusinek, Joan B. Rose, and Wei Liao


Impact of UV-Induced Ozone and Low-Energy Ar+-Ion Cleaning on the Chemical Structure of Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)2 Absorber Surfaces, Victor R. van Maris, Dirk Hauschild, Thomas P. Niesen, Patrick Eraerds, Thomas Dalibor, Jörg Palm, Monika Blum, Wanli Yang, Clemens Heske, and Lothar Weinhardt

Electron Transfer Dynamics and Structural Effects in Benzonitrile Monolayers with Tuned Dipole Moments by Differently Positioned Fluorine Atoms, Philipp Werner, Tobias Wächter, Andika Asyuda, Adrian Wiesner, Martin Kind, Michael Bolte, and Lothar Weinhardt


Countercurrent Actinide Lanthanide Separation Process (ALSEP) Demonstration Test with a Simulated PUREX Raffinate in Centrifugal Contactors on the Laboratory Scale, Andreas Wilden, Fabian Kreft, Dimitri Schneider, Zaina Paparigas, Giuseppe Modolo, Gregg J. Lumetta, Artem V. Gelis, Jack D. Law, and Andreas Geist

Full-Dimensional Quantum Dynamics of SO(X3) in Collision With H2, Benhui Yang, Peng Zhang, Cheng-Kui Qu, Phillip C. Stancil, Joel M. Bowman, Balakrishnan Naduvalath, and Robert C. Forrey

Thoughts on Using Systems Thinking to Develop Chemistry Students’ Professional Skills, Sarah York, Whitney C. Fowler, and MaryKay Orgill


ChEMIST Table: A Tool for Designing or Modifying Instruction for a Systems Thinking Approach in Chemistry Education, Sarah York and MaryKay Orgill

Systems Thinking in Chemistry Education: A New Approach for a New (and Complex) School Year, Sarah York and MaryKay Orgill