Aging of Polyurethane Foams: IR
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2000 ALS Compendium of User Abstracts and Technical Reports
This Compendium contains abstracts written by Advanced Light Source users summarizing research completed or in progress during 2000. Two tables of contents organize the abstracts by beamline and by subject, and a list of funding institutions is also provided. Technical details for each beamline, including whom to contact for additional information, can be found in the beamline information section. The Compendium is intended to complement the Advanced Light Source Activity Report, which presents an overview of the scientific program, ongoing research and development efforts, and operations.
Analytical Chemistry | Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics | Biological and Chemical Physics | Elementary Particles and Fields and String Theory | Physical Chemistry
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Johnson, A. L.,
O'Toole, B.,
Sapochak, L. S.,
Lindle, D. W.,
Whinnery, L. L.,
Goods, S. H.,
Martin, M. C.
Aging of Polyurethane Foams: IR.
2000 ALS Compendium of User Abstracts and Technical Reports
Editor: Lori S. Tamura