

Creative activities and seat work; Education; Elementary; Environmental education; Multicultural education; Papermaking – Study and teaching (Elementary)


Many scholars see the urgency of implementing multicultural education (ME) and environmental education (EE) in the primary level (Abdullah, 2009; Bower, 1998; Cohen & Horm-Wingerd, 1993; Trubowitz, 1995). The scholars also share how hands-on and art approaches fit well in both Multicultural Education and Environmental Education fields (Adams & Chisholm, 1999; Bower, 1998; Damm, 2006; Seltzer-Kelly, Westwood, & Peña-Guzman, 2010). Chinese papermaking, an interactive and hands-on exercise in the creation of handmade paper, can be a means of integrating concepts of multiculturalism and sustainability into a young child‘s education. To address this issue, this study aimed at (a) introducing multicultural education, sustainability, and Chinese papermaking; (b) creating a new model MATCH to synthesize multicultural education and environmental education; (c) showing how papermaking is a culturally enriching activity; and, (d) demonstrating child-centered papermaking activities.
