Award Date

Spring 2012

Degree Type

Professional Paper

Degree Name

Master of Science in Sport and Leisure Service Management


Hotel Administration

First Committee Member

Daniel McLean, Chair

Number of Pages



Throughout history humans have had varying degrees of interaction with nature and natural environments. This interaction has shaped our species in almost every way possible from our physical traits to our behaviors and places we have chosen to occupy. Currently, humans have developed such overwhelming mastery of the planet that it is easy for many humans to feel disconnected from nature. This separation could have detrimental effects on various aspects of human well-being including physical and mental health. To understand these effects, it is important to evaluate the benefits that humans receive from exposure to nature and interaction with natural environments. One of the most effective ways to realize these benefits is through horticulture, which provides opportunities for interaction with nature on multiple levels.

These benefits can be realized by large numbers of people in different settings. Rural populations are likely to have more opportunities for interaction with nature than urban populations. Rural dwellers have greater access to natural environments, agriculture, and opportunities for the development of gardens within the home. Urban dwellers often have less access to natural environments and fewer opportunities to engage in horticulture. Community gardening can make these benefits accessible to large populations in rural or urban areas.


Community gardens; Human beings — Effect of environment on; Working-men's gardens; Urban gardening


Agricultural and Resource Economics | Civic and Community Engagement | Horticulture | Leisure Studies | Public Health | Urban Studies and Planning

File Format


Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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