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This collection contains UNLV graduate student theses, dissertations, professional papers, and capstone projects from 2009-present. Records are organized by Year, Author, and Title.
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Internationally Trained Teachers: Filipinos Working with Children with Disabilities in the U.S.: A Multiple Case Study, Joseph C. Abueg
Integrated Transcriptomics and Proteomics Study of Starvation Selected Drosophila Melanogaster, Aavash Adhikari
Canine Parasites in Southern Nevada Urban Dog Parks: Paravec Study, Miklo Azrael A. Alcala
Electrical Contact to MoS2 for Sensitive Capacitance Measurements, Justin Michael Alvarez
Preparing Occupational Therapy Students in a Role-Emerging Private School-Based Setting, Jerome Amigo
The Impact of Anatomy Academy in Underserved Las Vegas Elementary Schools, Jean Angeles, Edgar Armengual, Katrina Myers, and Perceval Vollmer
Modulating Cortical Excitability to Improve Functional Movements in Individuals with Patellofemoral Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Jeno Aquino, Bryce Broadwell, Connan Wallace, and Makenzie Whimple
A Low Dose of Electro-Psychedelic Treatment Increases Neuronal Dendritic Arborization and Filopodic Spine Density, Elaine Aquino Vasquez
Effects of Chronic Diabetes and Attentional Focus on Performance and Learning of a Novel Stabilometer Balance Task, Rebeca Carolina Armagnac Gonzalez, Yinny H. Lee, Alicia Marie Letkiewicz, and Meiko Nagano Mamauag
Phosphorous Heteroatom Bond Formation Strategies and the Development of Green Synthetic Methods, Jeffrey Ash II
Resource Allocation for Vehicular Communication Systems, Rojin Aslani
Introduction of the Anatomy Academy Program To Children in a Rural Elementary School, Rox Aurelio, Madison Dobbs, Nicole Horn, and Gianni Terrana
Development of Methylammonium Lead Tribromide for Detectors of Ionizing Radiation, Kaleab Ayalew
Factors Shaping Charter School Leaders’ Student Recruitment Practices in Southern Nevada, John E. Aydogdu
Formation Potential of Disinfection Byproducts from Quaternary Ammonium Surfactants During Ozonation with Subsequent Chlor(am)ination, Gabson Baguma
Implementing Physical Therapy Services and Screenings for the Students of the UNLV College of Fine Arts for Health and Injury Prevention: A Service-Learning Approach, Selene Barajas, Justin Dietrich, Brenna Ganzon, Payton Mack, Katherine Metzger, and Tanner Mueller
Real-Time Predictive Analytics for Healthcare Monitoring and Terrain Classification Using Data Streaming and Online Learning, Ayemon Baraka
An Examination of the Teaching and Learning of Resonance in General Chemistry I and Organic Chemistry I Using Variation Theory, Sabrina Barakat
Analyzing SARS-CoV-2 Wastewater Surveillance Data for Public Health Impact in Southern Nevada, Casey A. Barber
Utilizing the Multi-Theory Model to Explain the Fruits and Vegetables Consumption of Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander College Student, Noehealani Cierra Bareng-Antolin
Exploring The Interactive Effects of Officer, Subject, And Encounter Factors on Police Use of Force Outcomes, Jeremy David Barnum
Racial Microaggressions Research: Intersectionality, Coping Strategies, and Groups Impacted, Aldo M. Barrita
Uncorking the Wine Industry's Secret: Barriers for Women in the Wine Industry, Scarlett Baughman
Oxygen Transport During Exercise in Individuals With Down Syndrome: The Role of Oxygen Uptake, Delivery and Utilization, Victor Duan Yi Beck
Differential Expression of MicroRNA MiR-145 and MiR-155 Downstream Targets in Oral Cancers Exhibiting Limited Chemotherapy Resistance, Conner Belnap
“But…. They Don’t Look Like Me.” An Examination of Mentoring Relationships with Hispanic and Latinx Students, Diana Ruby Beltran
Heat Transfer Enhancement in Heat Exchangers Using Compound Enhancement, Mouhsine Benmbarek
Addressing Inference Time of Machine Learning Models in Embedded Systems, Samuel Black
The Effects of Implementing an Early Childhood Education Health and Wellness Program in Underserved Elementary Schools in Las Vegas on Student Mentors and Elementary Staff: Anatomy Academy, Alexa Blazek, Amber Berumen Baker, Kevin Chan Shum, and Alexander Young
Assessing the Potential for Magmatic Sulfides within Southwestern Laurentia Large Igneous Province, Thomas J. Boes
The Influence of Dual Sources Cerebellar Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Muscle Fatigue, Janriek Asuncion Bognot
The Effect of an Occupational Balance Educational Module on Life Satisfaction and Occupational Balance for University Students, Unique Bowden
The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Device-Associated Healthcare-Associated Infections in Nevada, Gabriela Bran
Seasonal Climate and Environmental Conditions Associated with Physiological Variations of Southwestern United States Pines, Taylor Brewer
Implicit Bias: Principal Leadership and Social Justice, Tamra Lynn Brooks
Postmodern Paranoia: Conspiracy Theories as Network Anxieties in Don DeLillo’s White Noise and Underworld, Madison Browne
Cost Benefit Analysis of Anesthesia Providers within Gastroenterology Outpatient Practices, Jennifer Buffum Brown
Implementation of an Evidence-Based Program to Reduce Fall Risk of Older Adults in Nevada, Hanna Brunty, Jordynn Cowan, Taylor DeRose, Kanosha Gray, and Kerry Margolin
Occupational Therapy-Led Tai Chi: Elevating Perceived Competence in Daily Activities Among Semi/Fully Retired Adults, Lester Buenviaje
Trauma-Related Cognitions and Discrimination as Predictors of Maladaptive Coping Among Marginalized Maltreated Youth, Shadie Burke
Study of Plan of the Day Adaptive Radiation Therapy Validity, Zane W. Burnett
A Case for the Caldecott: Librarians Tell the Story, Nicole Bylina-Streets
Acculturation Stress and Social Participation Amongst Elderly Filipino Immigrants, Mary Julianne Canda
Early Childhood Teacher Knowledge: Distinguishing Between Developmentally Appropriate Behavior and Maladaptive Behavior, Michela Carattini
Analyzing Fe/Mg-Silicate Chemical Gardens as Analogs to Silicate-Rich Hydrothermal Chimneys on Early Earth and Mars, Nancy Alejandra Carman
Exploring Intention Mapping and Action in Pursuit of Emotional Storytelling for Musicians, Douglas Carpenter
Development and Usage of Analytic Tools and Recommendations for Validation and Reliability Studies Using Consumer-Grade Wearable Technology, Bryson Carrier
Institutional Design of Intergovernmental Organizations: Cooperation, Vitality, and Evolution, Darrell James Carter
Global Structure and Asymptotic Profiles of the Endemic Equilibria of a Diffusive Epidemic Model with Mass-Action, Keoni Castellano
Uranium(VI) & Thorium(IV) Speciation In Organic Media Containing Organophosphorus & Diglycolamide Extractants, Joel Castillo
How Culture Impacts Mental Health Help-Seeking Behaviors in College-Aged Chinese Americans, Hui Ching Chan
The Influence of Bihemispheric Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Muscle Fatigue, Ananya Singh Chauhan
Characterizing the Molecular and Cellular Changes of Senescent Cells Induced by Diverse Stressors in 2D and 3D Microenvironments, Apoorva Chauhan
Improving Patients’ Readiness for Discharge: The Development of An Occupation-Based Group Therapy Protocol in Inpatient Rehabilitation, Valerie Cheng
Understanding Stress and Coping Among Adults in the United States During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Jocy-Anna Chevalier
This is My Place: The Academic Library as a Retention Resource, Ted Chodock
Effects of Common H1-Antihistamines on IL-6 and RANKL Expression in Osteoblasts, Kriztine Mae Chun
Effect of Asynchronous Virtual Interviews on Ethnic Minority Matriculation into a Doctor of Physical Therapy Program, Conner Clark, Nanea Lagasca, Gladys Miller, and Jasmine Puspos
Perceptions of a Community-Based Playgroup to Promote Caregiver Knowledge of Resources and Prevention of Developmental Delays in a Rural Setting, Chesnee Clingman
The Influence of Bilateral Dual Source Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on the Progression of Muscle Fatigue, Eliza Clinton
Using Student Voices to Inform Educational Reform: Exploring High School Educational Desires to Improve Curricular Decisions, Anna Colquitt
Impact of Placement Disruption on School Outcomes in Maltreated Youth, Mallory Constantine
From Resistance to Host Response: An Integrative Study of C. difficile Infections, Amber Consul
The Effect of Dual Source Premotor Cortex Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Muscle Fatigue in Hand Muscles, Valentino Contini
A Comparison of Spinal Reflex Function and Morphological Adaptations of the Achilles Tendon Between Individuals Chronically Post-Stroke and Healthy Controls, Migi Contreras, Mira Seekins, Johanna Mendez, and Trevor Diez
Rewriting the American Work Narrative: Modernist Literature and the Paradox of Patriotic Labor, Jesse Cook
“Sex is Fun”: A Study of Hook Up Behaviors and Experiences of Post-College and Middle-Aged Adults, Joshua Corum
Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices to Improve Treatment for Patients with Neck Pain: A Pilot Study, Kristine David, Sarah Kaderka, and Christoffer-Judd Villarias
Investigating Controls on Temporal and Spatial Variation of Dissolved Uranium at Springs in Horn Creek Drainage, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, USA, Collin Davidson
Educational Series on Sensory Processing Differences and Sensory-Related Responses: An Occupational Therapy Perspective to Promote Caregiver Understanding, Jessemae Delarmente
Can Occupational Therapy Take a HIT? A Guide to High-Intensity Training in Stroke Rehabilitation, Jared Demke
Characterizing GSK3β Interaction and Kinetics via Isothermal Titration Calorimetry, W A Bhagya De Silva
Cultured Coils: A Multiple Case Study Exploring Black Mothers’ Hair Choices and the Impacts on Their Black Daughters, Acacia R. Dorsey
Experiment Development and Validation of a Granular Jamming Robotic Gripper, Jacob R. Dowd
Biological Reduction of Mixed Oxyanions in Wastewater Brine, Katherine J. Earp
Post-Operative Endotracheal Reintubation Rates, Robert Erickson
Harnessing NLP and Large Language Models for Pattern Discovery and Information Extraction in Electric Health Reports, Mina Esmail Zadeh Nojoo Kambar
Let’s Get in (Racial) Formation: A Three-Paper Exploration of Dual- and Multiple-Designated Minority-Serving Institutions, Kristine Jan Cruz Espinoza
Relationships Between Psychopathology, Impulsivity, and Disordered Eating, Repairer Etuk
Understanding Levels of Perceived Racism and Discrimination When Utilizing Perinatal Care, Alexandria S. Evans
Female Adolescent Cyberbullying: Exploring Students' Intentions to Pursue a Postsecondary Education, Ryan Evans
Understanding Failure Mechanisms for Two Colorectal Anastomosis Techniques, Youssef Sherif Sadek Fahmy
Inbreds & Cannibals & Savages, Oh My!: A Genre Analysis of Appalachian Atrocities, Kerri Farley
Causal Attribution Tendencies of Early Childhood Practitioners and the Efficacy of Attribution Retraining, Alex J. Faucheux
From Extraction to Attraction: Case Studies in Historic Preservation, Heritage Tourism and Interpretation, 1945-2010, Paige Figanbaum
Gender Stereotyping in an Agricultural Sample, Andrea Fink-Armold
An Analysis of Truancy Causes and Prevention Programming in Clark County, Nevada, Jennifer Ashley Fletcher
New Insights into the Diverse Intraplate Volcanism Present within the Howland and Baker Island United States Exclusive Economic Zone, Nicholas Foresta
Barriers to a Real Second Chance: Seeking Redemption While Set Up for Failure, Kara Forrai
Effect of Epistemic Cognition and Self-Regulation on the Evaluation of Online Information, Devin T. Foschi
Contextualizing High Fragmented Remains as Complex Mortuary Practices in the American Southwest (AD 700-1700), Julia Cristina Freiberger
Remote Detection of Leaks in High Level Waste Storage Tanks, Hunter Frey
Haloacetonitriles (HANs): Factors Affecting Their Formation and Mitigation, Amit Gajurel
Predicting the Response of an Underactuated, 3D Printed Prosthetic Hand, Lucas Gallup