Award Date

Spring 2012

Degree Type

Professional Paper

Degree Name

Master of Science in Hotel Administration


Hotel Administration

First Committee Member

Bo Bernhard, Chair

Number of Pages



The study of growth in the international casino gaming is currently fascinating. Local residents do not view casino operations negatively anymore. The great success of the regulation of the gaming industry and the resulting highly profitable returns in areas such as Las Vegas has encouraged jurisdictions to introduce gaming into their local economies. Various studies have been done to assess the potential reasons behind the introduction of the gaming industry into regions that have previously banned it; however, only a handful of research has been done regarding the potential gaming industry in mainland China. Given the huge success observed in Macau, the Special Administration Region (SAR) in China responsible for legalizing casino gambling half a century ago, big companies in the gaming industry already regard the mainland as a giant potential market. The Chinese government itself has also been considering the possibility of legalizing casino gaming in order to solve problems like illegal gambling, corruptions and to stimulate the economy. For this reasons, a thorough understanding of the reasons the Chinese government might consider legalizing casino gambling is necessary for the benefit of both industry professionals and decision makers.


Casinos; China; Gambling – Law and legislation; Gambling industry


Business Law, Public Responsibility, and Ethics | Gaming and Casino Operations Management | Gaming Law | International Business

File Format


Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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