Award Date
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Public Health (MPH)
Environmental and Occupational Health
First Committee Member
Shawn Gerstenberger
Second Committee Member
Sheniz Moonie
Third Committee Member
Melva Thompson-Robinson
Fourth Committee Member
Jennifer Keene
Number of Pages
The Nevada Healthy Homes Partnership (NVHHP) is collaboration between University of Nevada - Las Vegas (UNLV), the Southern Nevada Health District (SNHD), and other public and private housing authorities and health agencies throughout Clark County, Nevada. The primary mission of the NVHHP is to improve the health of Nevada residents, particularly those in disadvantaged communities, by identifying and addressing conditions in the home environment. For this study, a program created by the NVHHP, entitled "Nevada Healthy Homes" (hereafter, Healthy Homes) was piloted. Home health and risk assessments were conducted in 52 homes, with one or more interventions being provided to the primary resident of each home. These interventions included home-specific educational materials, home safety and cleaning devices, and home remediation. Data were analyzed and findings were summarized. Findings demonstrate an increase among participating households in self-reported ratings of home safety (Z = -2.307, P=.021) and in self-reported ratings of overall home satisfaction (Z = -2.004, P= .045). Data gathered provide insight on unhealthy conditions common in Clark County, Nevada. Suggestions for improvement and areas of future research are provided.
Asthma; Dwellings – Environmental engineering; Environmental Health; Home accidents – Prevention; Housing; Injury; Nevada – Clark County; Safety
Community Health and Preventive Medicine | Environmental Public Health | Public Health
File Format
Degree Grantor
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Repository Citation
La Monica, Sabrina, "Identifying and Correcting Health Hazards in the Home: A Pilot Test Among Homes in Clark County, Nevada" (2012). UNLV Theses, Dissertations, Professional Papers, and Capstones. 1678.
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