Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


Environmental Science

Advisor 1

Tara Pike, Rebel Recycling Coordinator-Content Advisor

Advisor 2

Helen R. Neill, Chair and Assoc. Professor, Environmental Studies

Advisor 3

Krystyna Stave, Assoc. Professor, Environmental Studies

Number of Pages



The purpose of this study is to analyze recycling opportunities for people living in apartments and recommend solutions to improve apartment complex recycling programs in Clark County, Nevada. There are two hypotheses for this problem. First, there is not enough space to put recycling containers in some apartment complex dumpster enclosures. Second, there are several obstacles to providing recycling for complex managers. There are two methods involved in testing these hypotheses. Unincorporated Clark County was selected for the study area. The size of dumpster enclosures was measured in 73 apartment complexes out of 240 complexes which do not recycle in unincorporated area. Second, complex managers were surveyed and asked why he or she does not provide recycling to the residents in their complexes. Forty-six complex managers out of 98 agreed to participate in a survey. As a result of space assessment for recycling, approximately 70% of apartment complexes in the study area of unincorporated Clark County do not have enough space for recycling in the dumpster enclosures. Therefore, the recommendation of this thesis is that recycling containers be placed in the parking lots of grocery stores, elementary schools or other public area as a drop off point. From the complex managers’ responses, other obstacles to recycle for the managers, which are not included in my hypothesis, were discovered. Based on the information from the survey, more data from apartment residents and Republic Services, which is the garbage collection company, needs to be collected to completely understand the obstacles to apartment complex recycling in Clark County, Nevada.


Apartments; Clark County (Nev.); Nevada; Recycling (Waste; etc.)


Environmental Health and Protection | Environmental Sciences

File Format


Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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