Award Date

May 2023

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Teaching and Learning

First Committee Member

Shaoan Zhang

Second Committee Member

Peter Wiens

Third Committee Member

Katrina Liu

Fourth Committee Member

Jenna Weglarz-Ward

Number of Pages



The intended outcome of this qualitative study was to provide valuable information that could improve pre-service teacher education programs and inclusion professional development programs, as well as help guide school-based administrators on how to better support co-teaching at the secondary level. In order to accomplish the outcome, the purpose of the study was twofold: (1) to examine secondary co-teachers’ perceptions toward their preparedness to co-teach in an inclusion classroom based on their pre-service training, overall professional development, and administrative support; and (2) to explore how well secondary co-teachers practice constructivist-oriented co-teaching. The research questions included: (1) How do secondary co-teachers perceive their preparedness to co-teach in an inclusion classroom based on their pre-service training, (2) How do secondary co-teachers perceive their preparedness to co-teach in an inclusion classroom based on their overall professional development, (3) How do secondary co-teachers perceive the administrators’ role in supporting co-teaching, and (4) Based on secondary co-teachers’ perceptions, how well do secondary co-teachers practice constructivist oriented co-teaching? The results from the study showed participants did not feel prepared to co-teach in an inclusion classroom based on their pre-service training or their professional development. The results also showed participants do not feel supported by their administrators and do not practice constructivist-oriented co-teaching adequately.


Teacher Education and Professional Development

File Format


Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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