Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


Public Administration

First Committee Member

Dr. Christopher Cochran

Second Committee Member

Dr. E. Lee Bernick

Third Committee Member

Dr. Charles Moseley

Fourth Committee Member

Dr. Robert Ackerman

Number of Pages



Quality Improvement is one of the best solutions to the performance of healthcare services. The purpose of this study is to identify areas that need to be improved in relationship between physician providers and the Women Health Connection Program (WHC) in the provision of breast and cervical cancer screening services in Nevada. An assessment of how physicians view the program, their cooperation with the WHC program, an analysis of areas for improvement and the value of services to WHC clients have been discussed in order to improve the quality of breast and cervical cancer in the state. Comparisons have been made between Clark County, Washoe County, and Other Nevada Counties, and opinion has been analyzed based on findings. Data has been collapsed between Urban and Rural areas in order to understand the depth of services between these two regions. The type of services provided, accuracy, accessibility, communication, documentation, timing, training, technology, and the number of physicians in each clinic have been studied in order to understand the status of screening services in Nevada. Finally, recommendations were made based on quality improvement methods. Overall, findings suggest that, a total of 82 percent physician providers believe that WHC services are valuable to them and WHC clients.


Breast — Cancer; Cervix uteri — Cancer; Medical care — Public opinion; Medical screening; Nevada


Health Policy | Obstetrics and Gynecology | Public Administration

File Format


Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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