Award Date

December 2023

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Chemistry and Biochemistry

First Committee Member

Artem Gelis

Second Committee Member

Kenneth Czerwinski

Third Committee Member

Frederic Poineau

Fourth Committee Member

Daniel Koury

Fifth Committee Member

Alexander Barzilov

Number of Pages



The fundamental properties of Uranium and Neptunium were investigated with Powder X-Ray Diffraction (PXRD) to study the behavior or 5f electrons with chalcogen, alkali metals, and alkaline earth metals. Two novel compounds were generated: NaCuUS3 and NaCuNpS3. There are several crystal structures that form in the family of AMM’Q (A = s-block, M = d¬-block, M’ = d-block or f-block, and Q = chalcogen), with oxidation states of A1+, M1+, M’4+, and Q2- ions from the family of type I compounds. Work was continued to generate the double perovskite structures in soft donor ligand environments, along with the double perovskite structure – LiBa2NpO6 in the form of A2BB’O6 (A = s-block, B = d¬-block, B’ = d-block or f-block, and O6 forming the remainder of the crystal lattice). A two-step synthesis from NpO2+ was carried out with ozonation followed by high temp oxidation to strip valent electrons yielding an exotic Neptunium (VII) compound for NMR analysis. NpO3 • H2O was confirmed via PXRD, however the PXRD of LiBa2NpO6 is still yet to be confirmed.


Actinides; Chalcogen; Neptunium; Oxidation; Ozonation; Powder X-Ray Diffraction


Chemistry | Nuclear | Radiochemistry

Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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