Award Date


Degree Type



Health Promotion

First Committee Member

Tim Bungum, Chair

Second Committee Member

Sheniz Moonie

Third Committee Member

Michelle Chino

Graduate Faculty Representative

Nancy Lough

Number of Pages



The objective of this study was to evaluate whether environmental prompts placed in two-story buildings on a university campus would increase stair usage. Three buildings were used. One served as a control, while the other two received an intervention. Participants of three buildings were observed taking the stairs and elevator for seven weeks. Baseline data was collected; signs were introduced, and then removed during this time period. Approximately 2700 observations were collected. Environmental prompts did not appear to increase stair usage. There were significant differences in the amount of stair users between buildings. The stair usage rates of this particular study were quite high compared to other studies. A ceiling effect may have contributed to the lack of significant change in stair usage. The built environment may also have been a contributor to the differences in stair usage rates between buildings.The objective of this study was to evaluate whether environmental prompts placed in two-story buildings on a university campus would increase stair usage. Three buildings were used. One served as a control, while the other two received an intervention. Participants of three buildings were observed taking the stairs and elevator for seven weeks. Baseline data was collected; signs were introduced, and then removed during this time period. Approximately 2700 observations were collected. Environmental prompts did not appear to increase stair usage. There were significant differences in the amount of stair users between buildings. The stair usage rates of this particular study were quite high compared to other studies. A ceiling effect may have contributed to the lack of significant change in stair usage. The built environment may also have been a contributor to the differences in stair usage rates between buildings.


Environmental prompts; Exercise; Physical activity; Signs and signboards; Stair usage; Staircases; Stairs


Environmental Public Health | Public Health Education and Promotion

File Format


Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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