Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


Public Administration

First Committee Member

Christopher Stream, Chair

Number of Pages



The Quality Assurance (QA) Program is critical in the licensing of the Yucca Mountain Repository because it helps ensure that the information used to demonstrate the safer)' of the repository is defensible and well documented. Through audits and surveillances the QA staff identifies areas of non-compliance within each task. The QA Program at the Harry Reid Center (HRC) for Environmental Studies can increase compliance with Quality /Assurance Procedures (QAPs) by improving the program's process.

Through qualitative and quantitative research it was determined that reasons for non-compliance revolved around three key areas; process, communication and training. Communication and training are key components of the process for ensuring compliance. Therefore, our recommendations focus on process improvements.

This evaluation contains recommendations related to improving processes within the QA Program. In particular, the QA Program should enhance its current training program by making it more hands on, utilising pre/post-tests, requiring mandatory annual training, creating an easy to use reference manual and hiring a full time trainer. In addition, communication can be improved by increasing the number of meetings between Pis and researchers, having mandatory regularly scheduled meetings with QA staff in the Reno area, and creating and maintaining a database for all statt associated with every task. Finally, the QA Program should create incentives for compliance and consequences for noncompliance.


Nevada – Yucca Mountain; Quality control; Radioactive waste repositories -- Evaluation; Radioactive waste repositories — Law and legislation


Energy Policy | Other Public Affairs, Public Policy and Public Administration | Policy Design, Analysis, and Evaluation

File Format


Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




Appendix and Presentation attached

Presentation: 20 PowerPoint slides

Appendix.pdf (4370 kB)
Presentation.pdf (8563 kB)


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