Document Type
Technical Report
Publication Date
The objective of this task “Chemical Analyses in Support of Yucca Mountain Studies” is to provide the Department of Energy (DOE) with data and reports from comprehensive chemical analyses of waters sampled from the wells of the Nye County Early Warning Drilling Program (NCEWDP), the Inyo County’s Drilling Program, and the Nye county Tracer Test. In addition, this task will be used to provide other laboratory support needs as they arise within the Yucca Mountain Project. This support is provided by the Harry Reid Center for Environmental Studies (HRC) at University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), which is part of the University and Community College System of Nevada (UCCSN).
California – Inyo county; Groundwater; Nevada – Nye county; Nevada – Yucca Mountain; Water chemistry
Chemistry | Environmental Monitoring | Hydrology
Repository Citation
Daniels, J.,
Stetzenbach, K. J.,
Coleman, D.,
Smiecinski, A. J.,
Keeler, R. E.
Chemical Analyses in Support of Yucca Mountain Studies.
Available at:
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Report Document Identifier: SIP-UNLV-034
Task ORD-FY04-010