AANAPISI Poster Presentations
Center for Academic Enrichment and Outreach
Document Type
Publication Date
University of Nevada, Las Vegas; Center for Academic Enrichment and Outreach
Publisher Location
Las Vegas (Nev.)
This poster exhibits the testing and research done on general Portland Cement Concrete with the addition of coir (coconut) fibers as reinforcement. Using the fundamental constituents of cement (water, cement, fine and coarse aggregate) and processed coir fiber, concrete specimens were batched to test for compressive and flexural strengths (per appropriate ASTM standards). Cylindrical and rectangular beam specimens were subjected to loadings until failure occurred. The capacity and modes of failures of the specimens were observed. It was determined that:
• The addition of processed coir fibers decreases the overall strength of general Portland Cement Concrete. • The tested concrete’s mode of failure was improved by the reinforcing strains; immediate collapse was prevented. • Further research on the methods and constituents of Coir Fiber Reinforced Concrete is to be expanded upon to determine the fibers’ optimal utilization.
Concrete; Fiber; Reinforced; Coconut; Compressive; Tensile; Bending; Stress; Coir; Cement; Beam; Cylinder; Strength
Architectural Engineering | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Civil Engineering | Environmental Engineering | Geotechnical Engineering
File Format
File Size
656 KB
IN COPYRIGHT. For more information about this rights statement, please visit http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/
Repository Citation
De La Serna, J.,
Karakouzian, M.
Coir Fiber Reinforced Concrete.
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Architectural Engineering Commons, Civil Engineering Commons, Environmental Engineering Commons, Geotechnical Engineering Commons