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Research Paper

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The project described in our report looks at four alternatives to eliminate odor from the intersection of Las Vegas Blvd and Flamingo Rd: biofiltration, Granulated Activated Carbon (GAC) filtration, nitrate addition and the alternative of doing nothing. The odor is caused mainly by hydrogen sulfide, which escapes from the sewer system in this area. Each alternative was evaluated based on effectiveness, land usage, energy consumption, water and material usage, and cost. Cost was further broken down into initial costs and annual costs, and then a cash flow analysis was performed to evaluate the cost over a 30 year timeframe.

Nitrate had the smallest land, energy and water footprints while GAC had the smallest material usage. Effectiveness of all three technologies was sufficient to eliminate it as one of the criteria for evaluation. Initial costs for biofiltration, GAC, and nitrate addition were estimated to be $72,040, $102,283 and $3,505 respectively. Annual costs for the biofiltration, GAC, and nitrate addition were $3,723, $10,136 and $10,957 respectively. Through the use of the cash flow analysis, it was determined that over the 30 year timeframe evaluated, biofiltration ($335,000) was significantly less than either nitrate addition ($779,000) or GAC ($810,000). From a strict odor control perspective, biofiltration proved to be an ideal design for the Las Vegas Strip. Not only does the system provide a more aesthetically acceptable design, but it remediates the problem at a significantly lower price.


Biofiltration; Carbon; Activated; Filters and filtration; GAC; Granulated Activated Carbon; Hydrogen sulfide; H2S; Nitrate addition; Nitrates; Odor control; Strip (Las Vegas; Nev.); Sewer gas


Civil Engineering | Environmental Engineering | Other Civil and Environmental Engineering

Rodriguez_ResearchReflection.pdf (196 kB)
Research Reflection Essay
