Document Type

Research Paper

Publication Date

Spring 5-2021

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The following thesis includes a literature review of the immediate and long-term effects of sexual assault on victims in regards to their physical, mental, and emotional health and romantic relationships, followed by a proposed workbook for sexual assault victims/survivors. Being that typical responses immediately after an assault are fear, disbelief, and activation of the sympathetic nervous system, it is to no surprise that long term issues of depression, anxiety, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) often arise as well. Thus, a workbook was created with the intention of educating readers about sexual assault and helping victims/survivors to heal from the trauma with the incorporation of writing prompts, therapeutic artwork, self-diagnostic questionnaires, and resources. Ultimately the workbook will be published in English and Spanish, online as a PDF, and distributed to shelters, clinics, and hospitals across Southern Nevada.


Sexual assault; trauma; healing; therapy; rape; pain


Clinical Psychology | Law and Psychology | Other Psychiatry and Psychology | Social Justice | Women's Studies

File Format


File Size

336 KB




This is a two part project, the first part consisting of a research thesis and the second part consisting of a workbook for sexual assault victims. I am hopeful to hire an illustrator for the artwork portion, and ultimately would like to publish this workbook online and in print, in both English and Spanish versions.

Calvert Award Essay.docx (8 kB)
Award Essay
