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About the Collection
This collection contains graduate student theses and dissertations from the UNLV Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering and Construction. Records are organized by Year, Author, and Title. To view the entire collection of UNLV theses and dissertations across all programs, visit the UNLV Theses, Dissertations, Professional Papers, and Capstones collection.
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
A Process for Optimal Resource Allocation for Integrated Resorts, Benjamin Mammina
Safety Analysis of Freeway segments with unobserved heterogeneity and Second order spatial effects, Eneliko Mujuni Mulokozi
A Multi-~Procedural Approach to Evaluating Walkability and Pedestrian Safety, Peris Nyagah
Geotechnical Surrogates for Sediment Shear Behavior in Southern Nevada, Rinu Ann Samuel
Alkali-~Activated Fly Ash Binders: Feasibility as a Sustainable Alternative to Ordinary Portland Cement for Pre-~Cast Systems, Kimberly Sierra
Effect of Void Geometry on Strength, Stiffness, and Failure Modes of Rock-like Materials, Omed Yousif
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
GIS Framework for Spatiotemporal Mapping of Urban Flooding and Analyze Watershed Hydrological Response to Land Cover Change, Sayed Joinal Hossain Abedin
Effect of Caliche on the Behavior of Drilled Shafts, Rouzbeh Afsharhasani
Evaluation of PHB Mid-Street Crossing System in Las Vegas, Nevada - Pedestrian Perspectives, Anna Eapen
Investigating the Physical Properties and Runoff Treatment Capability of Pervious Concrete Containing Granular Activated Carbon, Mark Elias Elkouz
Highway Routine Maintenance Cost Estimation for Nevada, Monika Hagood
Development of a Visualization System for Highway Safety Management Using Safety Analyst, Indira Khanal
Modeling of Short Term and Long Term Impacts of Freeway Traffic Incidents using Historical Data, Vidhya Kumaresan
Evaluation of Earthquake Hazard for Las Vegas Valley, Nevada Incorporating Probabilistic Hazard Assessment and Non--Linear Site Response, Suchan Lamichhane
Progressive Collapse Analysis of Older Reinforced Concrete Flat Plate Buildings Using Macro Model, Jinrong Liu
A Comparative Study: Utilizing Data Mining Techniques to Classify Traffic Congestion Status, Abbas Mirakhorli
Transport Properties of Nano-Silica Contained Self-Consolidating Concrete, Borhan Moradi
Finite Difference Modeling of Surface-~Wave Scattering for Shallow Cavity Detection, Heston Travis Norcott
Simultaneous Equation Modeling for Crash Rate of Freeway Segments, Anthony Ramos
Identification of long term changes and evaluation of the relationships among streamflow variability and oceanic-atmospheric indices, Soumya Sagarika
Modeling Pavement Distress Rates within U.S. Air Force Airfields, Lauren Sahagun
Influence of limestone powder content and size on transport properties of self-consolidating concrete, Rebecca Kendal Spitek