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Trauma is the emotional response to a disturbing event or series of events, and can cause symptoms such as unpredictable emotions, flashbacks, headaches, and nausea, according to the American Psychological Association (2022). Learning activities in the performing arts - such as adjusting the body through touch, or the emotional content of scenes - can retraumatize students unintentionally. In contrast, creating the conditions for emotional states that enhance learning is a science, and an art, that can support conditions for optimal performance including Flow states
Performing arts educators can proactively support students and performances by becoming trauma-informed and actively using intimacy training and consent processes. This transdisciplinary project - a 2-hour workshop for performing arts educators - brings together a Theatrical Intimacy Education (TIE) and DEIJB educator, a professional dancer and trauma victim advocate, and learning designers focused on the effects of emotion on learning, trauma-informed education, and conditions for flow learning experiences.
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Trauma; Trauma-informed education; Performing arts; Mental health; Flow states; Science of learning; Learning and emotion; Trauma victim advocacy
Acting | Adult and Continuing Education | Adult and Continuing Education and Teaching | Art Education | Dance | Fine Arts | Higher Education and Teaching | Other Teacher Education and Professional Development | Other Theatre and Performance Studies | Scholarship of Teaching and Learning | Secondary Education and Teaching
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2476 KB
Recommended Citation
Houy, Yvonne; Mellen, Kymberly; Inns, Alethea; and Iommi, Morgan, "Trauma-informed Performance Art Education" (2022). Creative Collaborations. 1.
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Acting Commons, Adult and Continuing Education Commons, Adult and Continuing Education and Teaching Commons, Art Education Commons, Dance Commons, Fine Arts Commons, Higher Education and Teaching Commons, Other Teacher Education and Professional Development Commons, Other Theatre and Performance Studies Commons, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Commons, Secondary Education and Teaching Commons