"Injury in Nevada" by Michelle Chino, Jonathon LaValley et al.

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Injury is a major threat to health and safety. In a typical day in the US, 400 people will die as the result of an injury, 7,500 will be hospitalized due to an injury, and more than 150,000 will suffer an injury severe enough to restrict activities and seek medical attention. Many of these deaths, hospitalizations, and disabling events will be the result of motor vehicle crashes. Others will result from vio­lence, falls, drowning, and poisoning – all of which are considered injuries.

The costs of injury are high. In the United States, the cost of injuries is estimated to be $200 billion a year. In addition to the rising costs of emergency care, hospitalization, rehabilitation and disability services there is also a high human cost for victims, families, and communities. Beyond the medical ex­penses, since a majority of injury victims are younger, there are the costs of lost wages and productivity, reduced quality of life, and the years of potential life lost for those who die from their injuries. It is impossible to calculate the emotional and social damage to individu­als, families, and communities when lives are changed by injury.

Injuries are preventable. Injuries are not random, unavoidable occurrences; they can be understood and prevented. Injury preven­tion is now an important part of public health practice and strategies for prevention are prominent in the health goals for the nation. To achieve these goals and prevent injury, we need to understand when and where injuries occur, identify modifiable risk factors, and implement and evaluate intervention and prevention strategies. Our best strategies are education, technology and engineering, and enforcing what works. Good data and involvement from many sectors of the com­munity are essential for success.

In Nevada, injury is a leading cause of death for children, teens and young adults. With high rates of motor vehicle crash rates, high suicide rates, and workplace injury rates, Nevada must be proactive in understanding and preventing injuries. The good news is, the available data and information can tell us a lot about injury in Nevada and there are people across the state working hard on pre­vention. This report presents the results of a statewide project to identify data, programs, and people working to keep Nevadans safe and healthy.


Accidents; Crash injuries; Crash injuries—Costs; Death; Drowning; Emergency medical services; Health; Hospital care; Medical care; Motor vehicles; Personal injuries; Poisoning; Public health; Quality of life; Rehabilitation; Traffic accidents; Traffic safety; Violence


Community Health | Infrastructure | Public Health | Rehabilitation and Therapy


