Below are theses and dissertations completed by graduates of the University of Nevada Las Vegas College of Sciences.
For the entire collection of UNLV theses and dissertations, visit UNLV Theses, Dissertations, Professional Papers, and Capstones
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Characterization and regulation of the icsP and ospZ locus in Shigella flexneri, Krystle Lashell Pew
Modeling Mortality Rates for Leukemia Between Men and Women in the United States, Blessed Quansah
Magma chamber processes at Mutnovsky Volcano, Russia, Kelly L. Robertson
Embryonic Development of the Grass Shrimp, Palaemonetes pugio, and the Influence of Salinity on Cardiac Physiology, Amie Lynn Romney
Boundary Element Method (BEM) and Method of Fundamental Solutions (MFS) for the boundary value problems of the 2-D Laplace's equation, Ermes Anthony Salgado-Ibarra
Molecular evolution and historical biogeography of new world birds, Brian T. Smith
Second-order conditioning in Drosophila, Christopher J. Tabone
A Statistical model for long-term forecasting of strong sand dust storms, Siqi Tan
Gamma-ray burst populations, Francisco J. Virgili
Dispersion of the hyperpolarizability of the carbon tetrachloride molecule, Scott Wilde
Co-development of biological soil crusts, soil-geomorphology, and landscape biogeochemistry in the Mojave Desert, Nevada, U.S.A. – Implications for ecological management, Amanda Jean Williams
Development of a Sustainable Water Resource Financing Mathematical Model for Donors and End-Users, Sahar Zavareh
A Multi-wavelength study on gamma-ray bursts and their afterglows, Binbin Zhang
New cross sections for H on H2 collisional transitions, Qianxia Zou
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Using fluid inclusions to trace formative fluid evolution at the Verde and Pancho porphyry Au deposits of the Refugio District, Chile, Brian Joshua Aillaud
Carbon isotopic fractionation across a late Cambrian carbonate platform: A regional response to the SPICE event as recorded in the Great Basin, Jonathan Lloyd Baker
Temporal and spatial assessment of evaporation, transpiration, and soil moisture redistribution, Brian M. Bird
The Role of ecdysone signaling in fat-body tissue remodeling and pupal metabolism, Nichole Dinell Bond
Presenilin is necessary for the function of CBP in the adult Drosophila CNS, Randy S. Boyles
Poisson Process Monitoring, Test and Comparison, Qing Chen
The Larval salivary gland of Drosophila melangogaster: A model system for temporal and spatial steroid hormone regulation, Benjamin Constantino
The Effects of contact metamorphism on the host rocks for Carlin-type mineralization at the Getchell Development, Nevada, USA, Nathan C. Eck
ARIMA model for forecasting Poisson data: Application to long-term earthquake predictions, Wangdong Fu
Space use and mating activities in the speckled rattlesnake, Xavier Glaudas
Transcriptional regulation of the Shigella flexneri icsp Promoter: Silencing and anti-silencing by H-NS and VirB, Dustin Harrison
Phylogeography of two closely related anurans, the Relict Leopard Frog (Rana onca) and Lowland Leopard Frog (Rana yavapaiensis), Viktoria Hemmings
Transcriptional regulation of Shigella virulence plasmid-encoded genes by VirB and CRP, Christopher Thomas Hensley
A Front-fixing finite element method for the valuation of American options, Anthony D. Holmes
Finite strain studies of single crystal Fe3P under high pressures, John William Howard
Sequence and Chemostratigraphy of the Middle Cambrian Succession in Nevada and Utah, Robyn A. Howley
Measurement system for high pressure characterizations of materials, Matthew K. Jacobsen
Characterization of unsaturated flow in dual-porosity granular media, Jeevan A. Jayakodilage
Reconstructing species responses to past climatic changes using niche modeling and genetic data, Tereza Jezkova
Removal of arsenic and strontium from aqueous solution using ironoxide coated zeolitized tuff, Nataliya V. Kasimtseva
General coupon collecting models and multinomial games, James Y. Lee
DLA-LBG cross-correlation and basic properties of infrared galaxies in cosmological simulations, Tae Song Lee
Filtration and growth rate of Lake Mead quagga mussels (Dreissena bugensis) in laboratory studies and analyses of bioaccumulation, Carolyn Louise Link
Detention basins for phosphorus and sediment control in Clark County, Nevada, Amina Rashid Lodhi
From the valleys to the mountains: The biographic history of antelope squirrels, bats, and chipmunks in Western North America, Stacy James Mantooth
The Role of transcription in stationary phase mutagenesis in Bacillus subtilis, Holly Anne Martin
The Interaction of rock and water during shock decompression: A hybrid model for fluidized ejecta formation, Audrey Hughes Rager
Phyllosilicate mineralogy, 40Ar/39Ar geochronology, and genesis of petrocalcic soils in the Southwest U.S.A., Colin R. Robins
Vibrational spectroscopic study of the 1,3,5,7-cyclooctatetraene at high static pressures, Edward Romano
Structures on a K3 surface, Nathan P. Rowe
Genes involved in mushroom body development and behavior in Drosophila, Christine Nicole Serway
Late Paleozoic deformation in the Osgood Mountains and Dry Hills, northern Nevada, Samuel A. Siebenaler
Theoretical and computational study of time dependent scattering on a 2D surface, Michael Sohn
Partial phonon density of states of 57-iron and 161-dysprosium in DyFe3 by nuclear resonant inelastic X-ray scattering under high pressure, Elizabeth Anne Tanis
Photon density of states of 47-iron and 161-dysprosium in DyFe3 by nuclear resonant inelastic x-ray scattering under high pressure, Elizabeth Anne Tanis
Velocity distribution of dark Matter halos: A critical test for the Λ cold dark matter model, Robert Jo Thompson
Petrogenesis of the Greenwater Range: Comparison to the Crater Flat volcanic field and implications for hazard assessment, Ashley Kaye Tibbetts
Physiological implications of natural versus induced arousal from torpor, Jenifer C. Utz
Production, purification and crystallization of membrane integrated multimeric Bax, Adelbert Mark Villoso
Environmental Influence on Brain, Behavior, and Gene Expression in Drosophila, Xia Wang
Age and petrogenesis of the Roaring Mountain rhyolites, Yellowstone Volcanic Field, Wyoming, Kathleen Marie Wooton
Rare earth element transport in the Yucca Mountain region, Liqiong Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
The role of larval fat cells in starvation resistance and reproduction in adult Drosophila melanogaster, Jerell Roland Aguila
AC susceptibility and heat capacity studies of the geometrically frustrated pyrochlores terbium titanium tin oxides and holmium titanates, Daniel Antonio
Investigation of plant water use in the Great Basin, NV, Benjamin Conrad
Integrated responses of crustaceans inhabiting estuaries to the challenges of feeding and digestion in low salinity, Daniel Luke Curtis
The Sheep Pass Formation, a record of late Cretaceous and paleogene extension within the Sevier hinterland, East-Central Nevada, Peter Alexander Druschke
Distribution and site selection of Le Conte's and Crissal thrashers in the Mojave Desert: A multi-model approach, Dawn Marie Fletcher
Provenance of the Miocene-Pliocene Muddy Creek Formation near Mesquite, Nevada, Steven Wayne Forrester
Bending of woody riparian vegetation as a function of hydraulic flow conditions, John O. Goreham
X-ray diffraction study of dysprosium single crystal samples in a Diamond Anvil Cell (DAC), Ognjen Grubor-Urosevic
Statistical inferences for functions of parameters of several pareto and exponential populations with application in data traffic, Sumith Gunasekera
Molecular systematics and phylogeography of the genus Richardsonius, Derek Dee Houston
Mineralogy and micromorphology of an Atacama Desert soil, Chile: A model for hyperarid pedogenesis, Michael S. Howell
Sequence and chemostratigraphic study across the basal Eureka Quartzite unconformity in the Great Basin, Nevada: Implications for the origin of the Late Ordovician carbon isotope excursion, Apostolos Paul Kosmidis
Geoelectrical response of surfactant solutions in a quartzitic sand analog aquifer, Meghan Therese Magill
In situ element quantification in the hydrothermal diamond anvil cell using synchrotron x-ray fluorescence with applications toward subduction zone processes, Steven Joseph Maglio
High pressure phase transistions in the lanthanide sesquioxides, Jason Patrick McClure
Water quality changes in a constructed wetland at the Springs Preserve in Las Vegas, Nevada, Aaron Mathis Miller
Characterization of aerobic respiration in Great Basin Hot Springs, Caitlin N. Murphy
Effects of plant uptake and micro-topography on chloride transport in arid soils, Wenming Nie
Identification of arid soil inducible genes in Pseudomonas fluorescens strain Pf0-1, Katila Pipitone
Experimental and natural variation in hovering flight capacity in bees, Hymenoptera: Apidae, Jason Thomas Vance
Static high pressure FT-IR spectroscopic studies of TATB, Brian F. Yulga
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Kinematics and timing of orogen-parallel flow, Grouse Creek Mountains, Utah, Tonia Gail Arriola
Geology of the southern Reveille Range, Nye County, Nevada, Matthew Alan McKelvey
Surface water interaction with the flood plain in the lower Virgin River, Clark County, Nevada, Jeffrie L. Pompeo
The Mayan Ice Cap: Glacial Geology and Paleoclimate of the Northern Guatemalan Highlands, Alex Joseph Roy
Imaging the southern trace of the Black Hills fault, Clark County, Nevada, Shelley A. Zaragoza
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Traveling Waves in a Suspension Bridge System, Robert A. Ain
Evidence of an Active ENSO and PDQ During the mid-Holocene from a Costa Rican Speleothem, April D. Azouz
Petrogenesis of Pleistocene Basalts in the Norris-Mammoth Corridor, Yellowstone National Park, Kristeen Marie Bennett
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
Paleoseismology of the Black Hills Fault, southern Nevada, and implications for regional tectonics, Eric Fossett
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
Genesis and morphology of soil pendants in Quaternary landforms of Pahranagat Valley, Nevada, Amy Lynn Brock
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Alteration associated with gold deposition at the Getchell, Carlin-type gold deposit, north-central Nevada, Tracy Lynn Cail
The geochronology and geochemistry of the Bearhead Rhyolite, Jemez volcanic field, New Mexico, Leigh Justet
The origin of brucite in hydrothermally altered limestone near Devil Peak, Nevada, Rhonda L. Knupp
Mineral paragenesis and ore fluids at the Turquoise Ridge gold deposit, Nevada, Michiko Shigehiro
Geochemistry and petrogenesis of the Bonanza King mafic intrusive complex, Trinity terrane ophiolite, California, Keith R. Willse
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
Uncertainty in recharge from subsidence craters at Frenchman Flat, Nevada Test Site: Impacts of initial and boundary conditions and media properties, David Matthew Ely