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Students, especially children in elementary and middle school, have difficulty focusing and or absorbing information from their courses. The problem lies in the scarcity of hands-on/interactive elements in classrooms as most lectures contain topics most students would be interested in but are presented in a monotonous way. To properly educate and inspire students to work on improving their academic knowledge, alternative educational mediums must be sought. Such mediums like Virtual and Augmented Reality allow students to interact with virtual objects to learn more about a wide variety of subjects, hence increasing their engagement and enjoyment in any particular topic. The educational platform used for this research allowed students to engage and participate in activities that allowed them to learn more about a particular subject, in this case, recycling. Results showed that those who used this platform had retained information better than those who used traditional classroom methods to learn by comparing test scores between the two groups. Such platforms should be integrated into classrooms to enhance students’ learning experience. For this research project, an Oculus Quest HMD was used to place students in a virtual environment. However, this HMD was priced around $300-$400 and many other HMD’s on the market are priced in the thousands. Despite this drawback, other mediums exist to educate students such as Augmented Reality (AR) since these types of applications can run on any smartphone. Future research entails exploring the medium of AR and determining what types of educational applications can come from it.

Publisher Location

Las Vegas (Nev.)

Publication Date



University of Nevada, Las Vegas



Controlled Subject

Educational technology; Recycling (Waste, etc.)--Study and teaching; Virtual reality headsets


Educational Methods | Educational Technology | Environmental Health

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File Size

672 KB


Faculty Mentor: Paul Oh


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Teaching How to Recycle Through the Medium of Virtual Reality
