"Social Media Marketing Related to Nike" by Felipe Herrera



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This research examines positive and negative attitudes about social media marketing within Nike. Understanding consumer attitudes about social media marketing is important because it affects our lives every day and we are exposed to it on a regular basis. Previous research about this product category showed that there are new tactics Nike is using to expand business, how the pandemic affected usage of social media, and the percentages of apps being used by adults in the last year. I conducted three netnography analyses by observing consumer groups on Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit social media platforms on Nike to understand consumer meanings related to this product category. I found that consumers choose to support Nike because of the risks that they take when promoting certain products or choosing to support certain individuals who may not be admired by everyone. Next, I will conduct surveys to examine consumer groups on Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit social media platforms on Nike. My research has the potential to provide insights to marketing managers in increasing traffic through certain platforms, seeing why people choose to stay loyal to certain brands, and how users interact with one another.

Publisher Location

Las Vegas (Nev.)

Publication Date

Spring 4-28-2023


University of Nevada, Las Vegas



Controlled Subject

Social marketing


Marketing | Social Media

File Format


File Size

450 KB


Faculty Mentor: Eda Anlamlier


IN COPYRIGHT. For more information about this rights statement, please visit http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/

Social Media Marketing Related to Nike
