Simulation of Pm21 network By Folded Hypercube
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IEE Proceedings-E Computers and Digital Techniques
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The folded hypercube (FHC) has been shown to be an attractive hypercube-based network with high performance. Owing to its rich interconnections, the FHC can simulate the functions of some other SIMD networks efficiently. In this paper, the simulation of the PM2I (Plus Minus 2I and also known as the barrel shifter) by the FHC is addressed. A model for SIMD machines is adopted to devise some simple simulation algorithms. The simulation algorithms are optimal and easy to implement. Using the suggested algorithms, the FHC can be efficiently used in applications requiring the PM2I topology or PM2I-based networks such as the data manipulator. In addition, it is shown that the FHC can simulate the PM2I in half the time of the n-cube. The tradeoffs involved in using the FHC or the n-cube for simulation is also discussed.
Computer network resources; Fault-tolerant computing; Hypercube networks (Computer networks); Parallel algorithms; Routing (Computer network management); SIMD (Computer architecture)
Computer and Systems Architecture | Computer Engineering | Digital Circuits | Digital Communications and Networking | Electrical and Computer Engineering | Systems and Communications
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Repository Citation
Latifi, S.
Simulation of Pm21 network By Folded Hypercube.
IEE Proceedings-E Computers and Digital Techniques, 138