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About the Collection
COE 102: Prepares students with skills and knowledge to promote academic success and retention. Major areas of focus include: inquiry and critical thinking skills, communication, global/multicultural awareness, intellectual and life-long learning perspectives, and citizenship and ethics. Anticipated outcomes are: connections with faculty and peers, overall college engagement, and improvement in academic skills.
COE 103: Prepares students with skills and knowledge to promote academic success, retention, and civic engagement. Major areas of focus include: inquiry and critical thinking, communication, global/multicultural awareness, intellectual and life-long learning, and citizenship and ethics. Anticipated outcomes are: connections with faculty and peers, college/community engagement, and improvement in academic skills.
Three Square Food Bank
Daisy Sahagun
What is food insecurity? According to the United States Department of Agriculture, food insecurity is “a household-level economic and social condition of limited or uncertain access to adequate food. In other words, food insecurity is “the lack of access to enough food.” How is food insecurity a social problem? Food insecurity is a social problem because there are over 279,000 individuals within Southern Nevada that struggle with hunger. Chronic food insecurity, due to poverty, can result in a nutrition-poor diet and can be difficult to manage “diet-related chronic diseases.” Site approach to issue Three Square Food Bank has provided a service plan to include an infrastructure needed to collect, sort, store and distribute enormous quantities of food and grocery product.
Aldeane Comito Ries Elementary School
Ashley Mullins
While I volunteered in a kindergarten classroom, the real problem is that Nevada doesn’t spend enough money on preschools which leads to children coming into kindergarten without the proper level of knowledge (Takashi). Part of this problem is that students come into kindergarten with delays in language and vocabulary (Rogers). I addressed this issue by helping the students with their letters and encouraging them to read the signs that the kindergarten teacher at Ries Elementary School had up around the classroom. Nevada has also only recently implemented standards for preschool (Gwertz). However, this doesn’t seem to make a difference as a lot of the students in the kindergarten classroom I volunteered in still had many students who were all at different levels in their education despite being taught together in the same classroom. I believe the issue can be fixed by implementing a program before or after school that helps students who didn’t attend preschool catch up to their peers.
SODA: Student Organizing Diversity Activities
Humberto Salmeron-Arreola
The Social Issue that my service learning was addressing was the importance of multiculturalism, and why discrimination should no longer be a problem.
Volunteer Work at the Nevada State Museum
Hannah Spreger
The State Museum addresses the issue of needing unique, interesting ways to learn, as well as an affordable way to access information to both children, adults, and people of all ages.
Volunteering at Innovations International Charter School of Nevada
Jannie Nigoza
The lack of quality education among low-income or disadvantaged children.
Classroom Behavior and Respect
Anthony Weeks
The social issue at hand is that of disruptive behavior and the teacher/student interactions within the classroom, especially in lower socio-economic schools.
Three Square and I
Alina Del Puerto
In southern Nevada, children and adults suffer from food insecurities.
Rebel Recycling Program
Shayla Camero
The health of our planet or environmental protection is something that most people ignore until it becomes a bigger problem.
Rebel Recycling Program
Briana Pacheco
The amount of waste produced every year is alarming and it is an ongoing issue.
Project 150
Vanessa Cisneros
Project 150 provides 3 major things for homeless high school students: After school and weekend meals, most of the kids rely on school meals as there main source of nutrition. Clothing and school supplies: they have Betty’s Boutique that provides them with 10 outfits a month based on community donations. They help some families find temporary housing by getting in contact with other programs across the valley
CSN Planetarium
Edith Garibay-Gutierrez
Lack of interest students are demonstrated towards science and overall their education.