Looping Linear: The Art Of Teaching Qualitative Research Methods For Public Health
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
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EDULEARN16 Proceedings
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The pedagogy of qualitative research methods and methodology are closely linked to the researcher’s world lens and social behavioral discipline. The art of teaching qualitative research methods covers the intertwining of how lived experiences are captured and expressed, the role of researcher biases and hegemonic positioning, and the role of cultural dynamics and ethics that influence the research. “Looping Linear” is the concept of teaching research methods and methodology from a pragmatic viewpoint; ranging from the presentation of textbook knowledge to applied practice in the field. Through a combination of readings, literature review, field observation, interviewing and class discussions and modeling students explore the contributions of qualitative methods as it relates to health and health behavior.
Repository Citation
Dodge Francis, C.
Looping Linear: The Art Of Teaching Qualitative Research Methods For Public Health.
EDULEARN16 Proceedings